Example sentences of "be just another " in BNC.

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1 With an authoritarian captain to instil some pep into them , a draw or two may have been salvaged and it would have been just another defeat rather than an abject cave-in , but Gower was not able to pick them up .
2 It might even have been just another sound effect .
3 Two years previously it would have been just another biker film , and two years on it would have been dated in terms of attitudes .
4 Without him so many Christmases would have been just another day .
5 At another time and another place they would have been just another set of happy holiday snaps .
6 How chagrined he would be to learn that she had n't sought the interview in the first place ; that had been just another of the wrong conclusions that he had drawn about her !
7 Dr. Favor was older than she was , at least fifteen years older , which put her about thirty , and he could have been just another man sitting there .
8 Proposals for economic and monetary union are just another phase of the journey .
9 For the SoHo yuppies , drugs are just another commodity in the American dream of conspicuous consumption .
10 Now Homestead are just another indie label and no-one cares .
11 You are just another zek . ’
12 Unlike the ghettoes we all know about , used to keep races apart , where only fools or angels venture to buy sex or sell salvation , these are just another corporation estate .
13 And now , Ian Wharton , now that you are no longer the subject of this cautionary tale , merely its object , now that you are just another unproductive atom staring out from the windows of a branded monad , now that I 've got you where I want you , let the wild rumpus begin .
14 ‘ Roses are just another promise , ’ he said bleakly .
15 The anti-trade union laws which we face in October are just another attempt by this government to wipe out socialism and break the trade union movement .
16 The current talks with the regime are just another method of struggle .
17 ‘ You are just a concept/You are just a dream/You 're just a reflection/Of the new regime/You are just a symbol/You are just a theme/You 're just another figure for the sales machine . ’
18 As for MIPS , ‘ well they 're just another proprietary RISC vendor now , ’ says Ousley , who is nevertheless full of praise for the way it , via the Advanced Consortium Environment , initiative publicised its RISC architecture .
19 If you 're just another person in the classroom then you do n't get on half as well . ’
20 Far too may young people arrive from England every day — they 're just another young couple , there 's nothing special , nothing remarkable about them . "
21 But when it comes down to it , they 're just another extension of the posing and preening junk-culture metal showing now on MTV heavy rotation .
22 But when it comes down to it , they 're just another extension of the posing and preening junk-culture metal showing now on MTV heavy rotation .
23 Shorn of these surroundings the furnishings would be just another museum collection .
24 There was nothing in my background to suggest I would n't be just another East End kid . ’
25 He also insists it will not be just another showbiz charity record , but a protest record and a ‘ symbol of hope ’ .
26 The Weekend Guardian might be just another memory .
27 It could be just another trap and what with Mr Bishop and Gazzer , there had been too many of those lately .
28 That is why , when fishing at Scourie , you have to be very cautious , no matter where you cast ; it might well be just another small trout heading for the breakfast frying pan , but there again , it could be a monster , heading straight for the glass case .
29 It may work , or it might be just another item from the guitar voodoo handbook .
30 There was little further public interest in what appeared to be just another statistic .
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