Example sentences of "be just [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 She told TODAY : ‘ I am just not a good traveller . ’
2 ‘ I am just not the type to keep playing tennis at 28 or 29 , ’ the 23-year-old revealed yesterday .
3 I am just not prepared to wait for the green shoots of recovery . ’
4 It goes along with the common complaint that there are areas and methods of serious investigation which are just not touched by scholastic doctrines .
5 The demands of personal intimacy are demands they are just not prepared to meet .
6 A spokesman for Party Planners , the London party organisers run by the Queen 's cousin , Lady Elizabeth Anson , confirmed last week : ‘ People are just not doing anything big .
7 ‘ We are just not used to this heat , ’ Mike Procter , the team manager , admitted .
8 But the plain truth of the matter is that there are just not enough jobs available for all the newly qualified divers pumped out by these companies .
9 They are just not built to take 232 bar and can be heard three miles away when they blow .
10 They are really good fun to be around , they are just not overindulgent or obsessive , ’ he says .
11 But the lack of T-cells which are supposed to recognise foreign pathogens entering the body , means that antibodies made by the B-cells are just not produced .
12 Sometimes materials are just not available or too expensive to afford , but often curriculum panels , drawing on experiences from college demonstration schools and materially rich urban contexts , place far too great reliance on the collection and use of ‘ waste ’ materials or require large amounts of apparatus to be made by teachers .
13 They are just not travelling . ’
14 What it comes down to is that most people , myself included , are just not up to murder .
15 One or two are followed up , but 99% are just not good enough . ’
16 One or two are followed up , but 99% are just not good enough
17 But as with Gibson 's non-reverse Thunderbirds — and remember , until a few years ago the same could be said for Fender Jaguars and Jazzmasters — they are just not currently de rigueur .
18 They may appear to be sexually aware but they are just not prepared for the physical , emotional or sexual consequences .
19 They are just not about . ’
20 But the men at City Hall , sniffing at anything too ideological , insist that big cuts are just not practical .
21 As with all aircraft which lack de-icing equipment , even for an instrument rated pilot all weather operations are just not practical throughout the year , although the very comprehensive package offered is an expensive way around this problem .
22 I guess there 's some things the cinema going audiences are just not ready for .
23 On location or in the studio some subjects are just not very interesting , and anything which can be used to add interest will be very helpful .
24 When you when you come up here and do the driving you find that erm because people are are just not available at the time and erm y I 'm here just for a and Stan only here for a a limited period , and er you 're sort of trying they 're downstairs they 're trying to get people off the trucks when they come in or whatever the case may be to go out and do an assessment run , and it 's not always possible .
25 The trouble is that there are just not enough places available at the moment , and in recent years local authorities have been unable to provide more owing to the shortage of funds and the cash limits imposed on local authority expenditure by central government .
26 Her claims are just not strong enough .
27 But we are just not getting the support from the trade . ’
28 Drawing packages are just not suitable for this type of job because they work with outlines .
29 Engineers , scientists , technical artists and businessmen all need accurate diagrams and charts that conventional printers are just not capable of producing .
30 Occasionally in UK beds are just not available ; in this case the worst delayed flights get priority .
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