Example sentences of "be all the " in BNC.

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1 We 've got stores in the Arctic Circle , we 've got shops literally in the desert in the Middle East and we 've got them in Hong Kong and Singapore and they 're all the same — and they all work .
2 ‘ You 're all the same , you typhoons , ’ Lil said .
3 ‘ They 're all the same .
4 ‘ Remember , ’ he went on , ‘ we 're all the same kind .
5 This was Così fan tutte ( roughly translated — They 're all the same ) , one of Mozart 's greatest musical achievements , but an opera which remained misunderstood for over 150 years after his death .
6 Frankly , until somebody finds a better way to build a GTi , we 're all the competition we need .
7 AND SUDDENLY , they 're all the rage .
8 First cap : fiftieth cap ; second team game on a Sunday morning — they 're all the same to him .
9 ‘ We 're all different in ourselves , but we 're all the same family .
10 I think it 's possible to make a bit of money but at at at the rate you know I feel we 're all the time putting the cart before the horse .
11 Erm Widdicombe quotes some people they 're all the same so what 's the point ?
12 That 's well They 're all the same .
13 They 're all the same .
14 You 're all the same .
15 So it does n't matter which way you do it whether you get four twelfths , two sixths , or one third , they 're all the same they all comes to the same thing .
16 They 're all the same , women like her .
17 He 's an MP , they 're all the same . ’
18 they 're all the same .
19 And whether it 's nasty shouting arrogant Kenneth Clarke or lovely perfumed Virginia , they 're all the same underneath in terms of the way they look at the Health Service .
20 They 're all the daughters of rich officials .
21 They 're all the same age .
22 You 're all the same , you women ; that bitch was nae mair ma wif than —
23 Let's say they 're all the same in quality , they 're all the same in age .
24 Let's say they 're all the same in quality , they 're all the same in age .
25 ‘ Pixie , elf , elfin — they 're all the same to me !
26 They 're all the picture of health .
27 ‘ The Book says we 're all the children of Adam and Eve , tainted by the fruits of original sin .
28 The Bomb Circle , my dad 's leg and his stick , his reluctance to get me a motorbike perhaps , the candles in the skull , the legions of dead mice and hamsters — they 're all the fault of Agnes , my father 's second wife and my mother .
29 They 're all the same the stewardesses .
30 Yeah , I I wrote the thing as you remember about eighteen months ago , but it had no conflict in it you know we 're all the same and stories must have conflict , so I got the house to burst the ceiling on the wife
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