Example sentences of "be i had " in BNC.

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1 Oh I I mean I have n't been I had it on but I put it off because it was
2 But at the age of twelve I knew that a falconry course was way beyond my means , so for the time being I had to be content with reading about it .
3 point is , another point to note is I had
4 And that is that in the projections of housing requirements for the City of York , not Greater York but the City of York , the County Council have a figure of four thousand four hundred households extra , but propose a provision of only three thousand three hundred dwellings extra , that 's purely within York , and the question really therefore for the County Council is I had thought that their dwelling requirements , that their , sorry their their policy H One figure for York was what they thought the requirements were , but maybe it 's what they think the limited capacity is , and they are foreseeing an overspill of thousand odd from the city of York into Greater York .
5 The truth is I had nothing at all in the bottle — it was empty because I 'd forgotten to get new supplies .
6 Thing is I had some wool and I had the thing .
7 No , no well not really Elly , trouble is I had my bag with me and erm it 's carrying it across the Underground but it 's quite a way across the Underground cos you have go
8 North British duly obliged with the Birmingham-Glasgow on the Saturday , but dawn till dusk vigils did not produce the procession of A1 's , A2 's , A3 's and A4 's I had been hoping to see .
9 At 's I had seventy five at 's , he had two yards .
10 You kno , you know I said it 's I had the er the recipe
11 Well she 's I had a right go at over that .
12 I read the rest of the story ; the gist of it was I had idled away a year on full pay and what was the Government going to do about it ?
13 Only trouble was I had so much to do ; I never even had a chance to snorkel .
14 Are you wishing it was I had rolled under in the waves , not your father 's grandson , because he was hurt while saving your life ?
15 What I did there was I had my Trio preamp going through a Boogie 295 power amp into a couple of Boogie Black Shadow speaker cabs and I was switching between that setup and the Fender Twin .
16 Well , maybe ‘ blossom ’ is an exaggeration , but I told Gillian one or two of Oliver 's jokes , and we talked about being apprehensive over coming to the group , and then it emerged that she was half-French , and I had something to say about that , and the estate agent tried to bring in Germany but we were n't having any of it , and before I knew where I was I had half-turned my shoulder to exclude the other chap and was saying , ‘ Look , I know you 've only more or less just arrived , but you would n't like a spot of supper would you ?
17 But what I found when I went was I had to go through the psychiatrist to find this group cos it was n't available .
18 Yes yes I was I had a month 's terminal leave er I 'd er I 'd heard that there was a job going , er phoned them up on the on the Monday , had an interview Tuesday , started the Friday .
19 Now I knew what it was I had then only felt …
20 ‘ I hope you have n't caught whatever it was I had . ’
21 A friend who had a key let herself in and called upstairs , but I did n't want anyone to come into the bedroom because they might catch whatever it was I had .
22 Maybe if chlorophyll tablets bad been available in those days they might have helped but as it was I had tried everything .
23 Th there was sort of decorations on the saddles and things like that you know , and er , er , they had this firm and it was up of course , well , and it , to tell how far it was I had to be in by seven o'clock and I used to run it all the way .
24 The plain fact was I had not grasped the magnitude of Edward 's task when he first unfolded it to me .
25 where ever it was , whatever it was I had to do , I got stuck , there were , there were just no underground trains in either direction on that line at all and a , a great tanner went
26 Yeah I was I had a shower , well , perhaps the water 's been turned down a bit .
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