Example sentences of "be and do " in BNC.

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1 Her mother says , ‘ Do n't judge before you 've not actually been and do n't believe everything you read 'cos you can read the same stories about every town in England , good and bad . ’
2 Such descriptions give a generalised picture of what such characters are and do .
3 ‘ Not so , ’ replies the university ; ‘ give if you will ; withhold if you must but understand if you can what nature of community we are and do not deprive us of our freedom , the freedom to pursue , and to teach others to pursue , knowledge for its own sake in whatever guise it presents itself to us ; for that is of our very essence. ,
4 If the loose ferrets make contact with the wounded rabbits they become preoccupied , stay where they are and do not resurface .
5 He calls Christians on all sides of industry , and in any working situation , to bring honour to the name of Christ , to deal with the real and potential conflicts of our relationships by applying the principles of service in all we are and do .
6 " Yes you are and do n't argue with me .
7 The distinction is a very significant one , because all the great religions of the world have emphasized how important it is that religion and life are bound up together , that religion does not hive off into some remote corner unrelated to the real world ; all religions do bother about the secular in the first sense of the word — about how life is actually lived and what people are and do , and not just about what they say and believe .
8 It would be beneficial to warn people to change their ‘ alien ’ notes to familiar currency during the Christmas period so they know where they are and do not give the opportunity to the fast buck merchants of lining their nests .
9 It means that they should be and do what we would reasonably expect of them .
10 ‘ She came into this life knowing she was going to do something , to be and do something great , ’ she says .
11 Their discussion of what the press ‘ should be and do ’ reflects an East — West Cold War divide and they set out ideal , polar positions so as to highlight differences .
12 The question of what it is desirable for Japan to be and do deeply divides the Japanese , but few fail to acknowledge that being Japanese sets them apart .
13 He offered his so there you have some insight into the members of the Sanhedrin , Joseph of Arimathea northern areas of er Judaea , Arimathea is and do n't forget worried , worried Jerusalem now , this , this group together Yes Matthew .
14 Blagg 's touching faith that Maxim would save him from murder charges in two countries might at least mean that he would stay where he was and do nothing — for once .
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