Example sentences of "be and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Games between the two Irelands never have been and with so much at stake , both in terms of points and pride it would be a mite optimistic to forecast something like 3–2 .
2 The idea is that formalizing it much the same as you had , I 'd just given and it 's got induction er it 's got A B C erm there are personal details so that departments people picking up , see where they 've gone , see where they 've been and in things like skills , knowledge required , objectives start , finish dates how and with whom results comments .
3 The consultant needs to see the relatives as well as the patient and take time to explain what the treatment is for , what its effects are and about the side-effects .
4 Even the same person reacts differently on different occasions , depending on how fit they are and on other circumstances at that time .
5 Leopards are after all quite as at home in the treetops as they are and on occasion are partial to monkey .
6 Second , since intervention is often directed at the areas of relative weakness in a child 's linguistic abilities , it may be helpful to identify what these are and to what extent they are likely to impair the child 's ability to communicate in a variety of settings .
7 It is very natural for you to miss each other , and it is important for you to know where they are and to be able to make contact with them whenever you want to .
8 Bought it , I do n't know one for sale now , you know , but for the price they are and for the rent it 's very reasonable .
9 It is essential to work with a more complex picture of who the elderly are and of their role in society than the simple , depressing picture of a costly burden .
10 Anyone who is charged with running classes , sections of schools or whole schools needs to be aware of what those assumptions are and of their effects .
11 Just briefly , I have been correspondence right back erm it 's difficult to see why that land was designated for land except that it 's agricultural land and erm my point is that the gradient on a lot of the site , especially on the northern erm banks is one in five and one in seven and to build on that would erm well even said that the building would be imponderous so I mean i it just is n't a suitable site , apart from the link road , for , for housing either because the gradient there would , would be very erm difficult from a landscape point of view a there 's nothing they could do to improve the till you know the turn of the century and they are and through all the planning papers from nineteen eighty five it is said that that Hill ca n't be improved so I mean unless they do something erm dramatic , I ca n't see what they can do , I mean it just is n't a suitable site for development .
12 The mines involved are and near Doncaster and near Pontefract .
13 ‘ We need to go back to 1979 when we had adequate services up here , when there were eleven trains a day from Hartlepool to Darlington , not three as there now are and from May there will be none at all .
14 ‘ Wherever you are and in whatever circumstances you find yourself , strive always to be a lover , and a passionate lover at that .
15 This is a major part of the genius of God and of his Word — that it speaks specifically to people where they are and in terms of the culture in which they are immersed .
16 When you have decided who is speaking , tell them all how many speakers there are and in which order they are speaking .
17 The first two were Where the Wild Things Are and In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak , ornate with fabulous wide-mouthed forest monsters and small plump boys fallling through the night devoured by dough .
18 Nevertheless , the activities of TNCs , wherever they are and in whatever industry , are increasingly being integrated into global processes of supply , production and marketing and the theorists of the new international division of labour have rendered great service by highlighting these phenomena even if they have done so in a rather one-sided manner .
19 The seventy two million erm for this Committee is the labour that would involve roughly er nett savings of about one million er pounds because we and no doubt all the routes of course have to look at the social budget and where their priorities are and in order for us to er do other things perhaps indication in relation to and also will provide primary school er budgets .
20 ‘ We will real Americans be and with our hands chicken eat , ’ the second man said .
21 Lewis is better than any modern writer both at explaining what Christian behaviour should be and at analysing its difficulties .
22 He told her everything he knew , and made sure she understood where to be and at what time , talking with the speed of true exhaustion and repeating himself .
23 Thereafter the choice of acupuncture , homoeopathic or Bach remedies , neural therapy , hypnotherapy , ego-strengthening or whatever will very much depend on what the background of the illness appears to be and on the patient 's response to the chosen therapy .
24 The relative narrowness of focus of particular modules , and the way this corresponds with the need for cross-reference to make explicit the common denominator of principle , are matters which can not be determined in advance but depend on what teachers conceive their problems to be and on the actual experience of designing and using such modules .
25 The total cost is unknowable : it will depend , for instance , on how clean the sites have to be and on whether clean-up technologies improve in future .
26 We never used to go Here we used to be and on the beach there .
27 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
28 They have a picture of the sort of person the child should be and of the society he is being fitted for , and they aim to civilize an infant ‘ barbarian ’ , ruled by his wants and emotions , into that person .
29 The empirical research carried out here is intended to test the feasibility of this approach , as well as providing some general indications of what the effects might be and of one way by which they can be represented on the final output map .
30 Dutch policies applied generally might have a damaging influence on the world economy , it says , ‘ How great such influence might be and to what extent it might be worse that that resulting from the worldwide deterioration in the quality of the environment is not known . ’
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