Example sentences of "be and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 you know , and they 're and sat on sinks and whatever else , so you know , you could , you could get twenty guys on that urinal that you can get for seven .
2 ‘ My doctor , ’ he said , ‘ has told me that because we are both very depressive types of people , perhaps because we know what life is about that I should n't meet people who were the same way as I am and get depressed about things . ’
3 But she could n't ever see me , though I think at first she knew I was around , so now I mostly stay where I am and amuse myself with some of the other kids who are here too .
4 Talking in Leicester this week and last week to groups of black women , some black women are saying I have never thought before about being able to talk about what I am and making up my own mind .
5 I 'm warm and tired and the ground 's soft , so I just lie down where I am and shut my eyes .
6 The Colonel explained that he was still waiting for orders , and the General swore like the trooper he had once been and said that a French officer did not need orders when the enemy was in plain sight .
7 The principal applications have been and remain rent review and share valuation , which are covered in Chapters 2 and 3 .
8 yeah I 've just been and put
9 They 'd been and looked at a few and there ,
10 The school he 'd wanted me to go to so that I could be as clever as he had once been and go to Oxford the way he 'd done and not waste it as he had been foolish enough to do .
11 Kelly 's been and had her hair dyed .
12 Mind you it 's a , I 've be I 've been and had a look rou er round there this dinnertime , quarter to eleven sh er quarter to twelve she 's supposed to start .
13 I went to the loo and Ron 's been and collected Amy and Richard
14 Eventually we worked out where the line had been and followed it for a short way up to a demolished bridge .
15 The poachers had already been and got away with their spoils ; or when they heard the shots , they made off .
16 I mean , it 's like the jeans , I say , for Laura I paid fourteen ninety nine for a pair there , and eleven ninety nine for the other pair , well I 've been and got myself two pair cos I mean , it 's more or less all I wear just a , a couple of weeks before , and I 'd only paid twelve ninety nine a pair for my own !
17 This could have come about by virtue of the fact that at every stage of evolution the original life force ( whatever it may have been and relegated in this book to the pre-life period ) was always carried by the species at the head of the chain , and this was the species which would ultimately become the human race .
18 My friend wanted to encourage them to come back , so we put the bales back where they had been and cut a suitable owl-sized hole in the wall .
19 She lunged forward at him , striking her talons on the bars where his face might have been and crashing her beak thunderously down .
20 I see where those sheep have been and grazed those
21 Leave behind the places you only visit once , wish you 'd never been and vow never to return .
22 In the end , however , the sensation that Heather had been and felt this way before him was overriding .
23 I was filled with a dry sadness , a mixture of remembering and knowing ; remembering what was and what might have been and knowing it was all past ; at the same time knowing , or beginning to know , that other things were happily past — at least some of my illusions about myself , and then the syphilis , for there were no signs that it was going to come back .
24 And Rital , whose east European eyes had seen been and done it all for more of a century than she chose to admit , merely shrugged and locked the door .
25 ‘ Here , mister , would you like to see what you 've been and done to me ? ’
26 They 've been on loo while they 've been and done them .
27 Monitoring of such implementation and enforcement has been and remains insufficient .
28 The Tree Collection , as purchased in 1972 from Tree 's last surviving daughter , the late Lady Cory-Wright , has been and remains of incalculable value to biographers and researchers into Tree 's production and turn-of-the-century staging in general .
29 An integral part of the removal of barriers between member states has been and remains the implementation of the fundamental principle of Community law that member states should not discriminate against one another and should assimilate the treatment they accord to nationals from other member states to the treatment they accord to their own nationals .
30 Such an attitude is particularly rife in the USA where the youth cult has been and remains strong ( Levin and Levin 1980 ) .
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