Example sentences of "be to [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm to fast , on top of everything else .
2 The most practical means of achieving this would be to partially construct the wall panels on the ground with the uprights and horizontals pegged together ; the wattling would then be inserted and finally the wall plate .
3 One way of increasing the number of observations in the examples mentioned would be to repeatedly heat a single bar of metal , or to continually observe a particular Australian getting drunk night after night , and perhaps morning after morning .
4 There is little doubt that the effect would be to drastically reduce the number of generic substitutes supplied by pharmacists .
5 The only way Masefield can make this credible is to present her as a kind of child-bride , a happy innocent ; necessary as this may be to both the theme and the plot of the book , it does not allow her to develop beyond the limits of a type-character .
6 The only possible response from the independents would be to also reduce their fares but without the cross-funding safety net .
7 The fairest way would be to just run off the four remaining races , perhaps before another Exeter meeting . ’
8 I thought how nice it would be to just stroll across the road and look at the river , and it appears to be quite simple until you get there and meet I do n't know how many lanes of traffic .
9 An alternative might be to just to ask whether some of our membership forms could be put out so that
10 The knowledge of how easy it would be to just reach out and take the Robe of Eyes and wear it and be able to see into other people s deepest thoughts flooded her mind , scaldingly .
11 I am perfectly prepared to accept six set back , the thing to do would be to probably to separate the six , and six and a new seven .
12 The only way in which one could incorporate such fine-grained information from the Text710 would be to completely re-tag the LOB corpus .
13 that would be to completely undermine the effect of article eighty five , we simply would n't be able to raise our shield at all , we would have a counterclaim but at which point since we had no of what erm , for example as one of it 's principal defences , defences , erm we would say we 've made the plaintiffs case very much easier , they 've now got all our money , we 're bankrupt , we ca n't pursue our claim because we 've got no money to pursue it with in article eighty five would of been completely undermined because we would not of had a realistic opportunity to raise article eighty five as a defence and your Lordship to do that would of had to not only set aside the counterclaim as a set off , but also to set aside the entire eighty five defence to stayed it or to have set it aside
14 ‘ The easiest thing to do would be to piecemeal together a career of some commentating , corporation outings , being a spokesperson , doing a little bit of the tennis politics , doing some coaching for the USTA .
15 Further stages of investigation using this technique will be to simultaneously measure gastrointestinal motility using conventional manometric methods and to compare this with echo planar imaging as a validation of the imaging technique .
16 I suppose that a better expression would be to frankly admit I was getting stale .
17 It 's all out there on the street and it 's the closet I 've ever been and probably the nearest I will ever be to actually feeling part of the world .
18 While Graham Taylor 's loadsamoney outfit add to their lucrative market value by pulling on England shirts , half-a-dozen of the mountain men 's reward for tackling their Everest will be to actually find themselves out of pocket .
19 The only thing I could do I mean at the same time I 'm saying O K I 'll go in to do it this way , would be to actually say , sod this for a lark , instead of doing erm totally private thing , gon na set up a private limited company to issue cheques .
20 All that they would be tendering for would be to actually run the facility , and there 's no reason to suppose that a private contractor can do that any more cheaply , if they deliver the same quality of service , as the Local Authority can do , so it would n't actually save money , all it would do would mean that control of the level of service that was being delivered at those facilities was lost from the Council to a private contractor .
21 This , to repeat a point made earlier , does not mean that their sole role must be to further the interest of each or of all their subjects .
22 The closing declaration included joint commitments ( i ) to create an Andean Presidential Council whose task would be to further promote the political and economic integration of member countries ; ( ii ) to formulate a common position on future foreign debt negotiations to be presented to the forthcoming Latin American Economic System ( SELA ) ministerial meeting [ see p. 37018 for June 1989 meeting ] ; and ( iii ) to propose a permanent consultative system to press for the full implementation of the February 1990 Cartagena summit 's agreements and measures against illegal drug production and trafficking [ see pp. 37243-44 ] .
23 The intended effect , within the province , must be to so terrify the nationalist population that more will turn their backs on Sinn Fein and the IRA .
24 I mean , today we 've been to well we went into Henry and Norman 's and they were having a chat and it 's better if you 're just sitting down like this with a mike just you know
25 It was , she said , adding that she had been to over fifty funerals in the UK alone , the funeral of a lifetime .
26 King 's head for funny business has him periodically indulge in what Lewis describes as the ‘ tactics of fear ’ and the latest example has been to publicly demean Maloney 's management of Lewis .
27 Fair enough in the circumstances , but since the extended expiry date in 1952 , several growers have received individual concessions and , although the overall aim has been to gradually reduce the Gamay , the fact that at least 20 hectares exist , some 60 years after the law intent on banning the grape was first introduced , surely indicates that a certain laisser-faire attitude has been taken by successive administrations .
28 All the doctors , psychiatrists and groups I 'd been to so far for help had made me feel worse than ever : could she be any different ?
29 Birds can be an inspiration , as they have been to so many artists and poets .
30 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
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