Example sentences of "and where the " in BNC.

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1 John Canaday , the incoming editor of the newspaper 's art page and responsible for the dismissal , had made a challenge to a climate of opinion in which Dore Ashton 's criticism was valued for its sensitivity , and where the art which she praised was accepted .
2 But the political significance of this culture is that where opinion counts and where the catholic — nationalist remnant actually experiences the coercive power of protestant loyalists and the British army in the Northern statelet , there violence has all the more support .
3 And where the window is , ’ said Thomas .
4 And where the source of light comes mostly from one side , as when plants are growing under a hedge , stems often bend and stretch in that direction .
5 Her involvement in the process of witching and un-witching was the single path to obtaining any information on the subject , for she found she was unable to operate ‘ in the standard situation in which information is exchanged and where the ethnographer may hope to have neutral knowledge … about beliefs and practices ’ ( ibid. 11 ) .
6 It should be noted that help from the Social Fund for funeral expenses is only available where there is insufficient money in the estate , and where the person making the arrangements is in receipt of income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit , or is the partner of someone receiving these benefits .
7 Do you think of your garden as somewhere to relax , and where the children can play in safety ?
8 In itself the dim complacency of gossip and cards at ‘ our club ’ would seem harmless , familiar , merely social ; but ‘ in itself ’ denatures The Possessed where groupings dissolve or collapse into each other , and where the ‘ merely ’ social has no place .
9 It is here that research papers are generated and read and discussed , and where the academic superstars go through their paces and inspire their dedicated students .
10 When French politicians achieve a certain dignity and experience , and lose a certain up-to-dateness , off they go to the Senate , where the marble floors of the National Assembly are replaced by thick carpets ( softer when they fall over ) and where the young are kept firmly in their place .
11 It is he who is making arrangements with the Transkei government to decide when and where the house is to be built .
12 It was , he said , a ‘ good time for us as Conservatives to think afresh about the direction of British politics ; about where we have come from , what we are doing , and where the future is taking our nation and our party . ’
13 This passage sheds much light on the method of ‘ Mr. Eliot 's Sunday Morning Service ’ where the self-mutilation of ‘ enervate Origen ’ is placed in the same lineage as the sexual origin of ‘ the Word ’ , and where the initial ‘ sapient sutlers of the Lord ’ who ‘ Drift across the window-panes ’ is a passage with an ambiguous , or better ambivalent , reference , since it holds together in one term both the ‘ sable presbyters ’ who bring offerings to church and ‘ the bees ’ who bring pollen from one part of the plant to another and so perform the ‘ Blest office of the epicene ’ .
14 Not only is it a move into a realm where the distinction between life and death seems , as in ‘ The Hollow Men ’ , to have broken down , it is also a crossing to the world of the ‘ cannibal isle ’ which is revealed as only another version of the life left behind , and where the realization that ‘ Life is very long ’ is not escaped from , but reinforced .
15 Life is where girls are murdered ‘ with a gallon of lysol in a bath , , and where the tedious business of words only elicits the answer that there is no point to speech .
16 They therefore accepted views of early kinship which represented it as a system where women were superior to men , where sex was unrestricted , and where the private and isolation of the group formed by parents and children was replaced by the commonality of a much larger undivided group .
17 It is not difficult to give many examples of societies where membership of descent groups is gained through women and where membership of descent groups is gained through women and where the status of women is comparatively low .
18 And where the tins of fish are juxtaposed with fragments of Mariana 's body the evocation is also of death and putrefaction , perhaps also of coarse jokes about the distinctive ‘ fishy ’ smell of vaginal secretions .
19 Mist lay in shallow patches over the hollows and where the fields were lying fallow the hay was nearly ready to be cut , but it was not yet cut .
20 The outer building is also an area where recording apparatus can be housed and where the experimenters can monitor the progress of the experiment by closed-circuit television .
21 A place Where the legacy of the Second World War still rests upon the shoulders of the British , French and American Allies forty-five years later and where the effects of post-war decisions impact on the daily routine of the RMP soldiers .
22 And where the old gargoyles are now crumbling away , attempts are being made to replace them , expensive though this is .
23 The dry-stone walls have been repaired in the traditional way ; fences in the fields to keep the animals back are wooden post-and-rail , there is no barbed-wire to be seen ; and where the Prince has planted new trees in the parkland , they are all protected from the livestock by solid wooden guards , not the plastic sort most farmers use .
24 And where the previous emphasis was on realism , the new approach emphasized fantasy and knowing nods to the audience .
25 Only for distance — 30 metres or more and where the advantage of the draw is negated — does he favour right over left .
26 In Potsdam — where the Prussian kings had their summer seat and where the wartime allies in 1945 decided the future of defeated Nazi Germany — Mr Baker assured Mr Modrow of US support for East German reforms .
27 One country is full of people , people seen objectively and people seen subjectively , people in relation to myself , where the image is vivid , where the music is loud , sometimes overwhelmingly loud , and where the vision is nearly always distorted like a face in the back of a spoon …
28 The cheesemaker has the best control over his cheese if he is able to use the milk from his own flock or herd — he then knows exactly what he is getting and where the animals have been grazed as the type of grass and subsoil contributes much to the flavour of the milk and then the cheese .
29 A country where the average income is only $350 a year , and where the poor jostle for space as well as food , will never find it easy to bind up its factional wounds .
30 This is where most of the problems lie — and where the gambles were made .
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