Example sentences of "and there the " in BNC.

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1 Then and there the sun rose abruptly and she could see the city bright and sunlit , floating on the mists , a magic city of mediaeval romance .
2 Here and there the ropes of egg and bird collectors flap against the cliffs .
3 A look later at a partial list of the Green Party 's candidates for the 1989 British Euro-elections confirmed the general impression : it was full of teachers , lecturers , organic small-holders , social workers and adult students , with here and there the stray doctor , engineer and journalist .
4 I used to remember that … and there the fiction ends .
5 Although we are not told it , Mary 's home would certainly have had a fire in the one and only downstairs room , and there the Holy Family would have met to eat and to share together .
6 And there the newsreader told the British people that efforts had been made to obtain an interview with the local Plant Manager , who had declined to comment .
7 Here and there the stuffing bulged , but for the most part it was in reasonable shape .
8 If he squinted his eyes , he could just make out the greyness of the roof between the trees and here and there the stony finger of a chimney-stack .
9 Up river some two and a half miles from Blackfriars was a convenient creek and there the fertile land had long produced fruit and vegetables for the City .
10 Here and there the open doors of furnaces glowed a dangerous red , and in the far corner of the building what looked like a stream of molten lava trickled down a curved channel from roof to floor .
11 Meridith and the narrator drive to Long Beach , join a ship which enters the Panama Canal , and there the narrator is separated again from Meridith .
12 The whole patrol drove to a position within about sixty miles of Bouerat , and there the raiding party all piled on to one truck which was to be driven close to the port by Hunter himself .
13 Fortunately , reason prevailed and Sir James agreed to open a gap in the garth , to allow fish upstream , and there the matter ended .
14 And the day before his weakness waxed great , he ordered the gates of the town to be shut , and went to the Church of St. Peter ; and there the Bishop Don Hieronymo being present , and all the clergy who were in Valencia , and the knights and honourable men and honourable dames , as many as the Church could hold , the Cid Ruydiez stood up , and made a full noble preaching , showing that no man whatsoever , however honourable or fortunate they may be in this world , can escape death ; to which , said he , I am now full near ; and since ye know that this body of mine hath never yet been conquered , nor put to shame , I beseech ye let not this befall it at the end , for the good fortune of man is only accomplished at his end .
15 Music is all around it , and there the heart partakes
16 There the harp-strings jingle , and there the drums beat .
17 The breeders of Scottish Folds retort that there is no evidence for this , and there the matter rests .
18 Here and there the rain dripped through from above .
19 And there the highest level of illiteracy was to be found in Pomerania : between 1921 and 1931 the Poles reduced illiteracy in Pomerania from 5.2 per cent to 4.3 per cent .
20 They took the painting to Sudbury to get an expert opinion and there the signature at the bottom of the canvas was pointed out to them , that of one C. Prebble .
21 He had felt a similar urge in the Barrow , as the wight 's fingers came towards him , and there the temptation offered was to abandon his friends and use the Ring to escape .
22 The story of those who did n't want this is often not a pleasant one and there the rigidity and the oppression of our traditions are exposed .
23 Here and there the head of a child was seen peering over a windowsill .
24 There are mallards , teals , of which I have seen a few recently in the Camel estuary , always an abundance of moorhens and coots , and here and there the odd tern .
25 Here and there the leaves , too , were streaked with turquoise and purple paint .
26 But today the real sea looked wonderful , silken , with a gentle running glitter where the tide moved , and here and there the tilt and flash of white wings in the sunlight as the gulls sailed out from the cliffs .
27 There it is incubated , and there the young sits until it is large enough to fly away .
28 The tariff structure strongly discouraged completing the work of refining the sugar until it reached Britain , and there the increasing flow of sugar transformed people 's diet , provided revenue , and launched new industries .
29 Here and there the line dividing them from the parish clergy may have become blurred , for some chantry certificates claimed , in 1545 , that the cantarist was the only minister available , and generally give the impression that they regularly shared the parish duties .
30 In either case , the political implication is that denying rights to children is entirely justified , and there the matter rests .
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