Example sentences of "and like many " in BNC.

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1 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
2 The town itself is in most respects unremarkable by comparison with its Devon neighbours , and like many of them flourished especially in the seventeenth century , heyday of the West Country cloth trade : when Celia Fiennes passed close by in 1698 , she found all Exeter and the country around making ‘ an incredible quantity of serges ’ which were sent from the port of Topsham to be sold in Europe .
3 The medieval choir school also survived — though renamed by Henry VIII ‘ the Kynges Newe Grammer Scole of Seynt Marie Oterey ’ — and like many provincial grammar schools throughout the land it continued to provide a modest education of the kind which gave to the youthful Shakespeare his ‘ small Latin , and less Greek ’ .
4 Mr Pipchin was no doubt among these investors , and like many of them lost his money by gambling on a continuing rise in the value of his shares , a rise which failed to materialize .
5 In spite of his size , and like many big strikers , Dave was a sensitive fellow and pre-match tension was a real problem for him in his earlier days , but he overcame that worry successfully and went on to make a substantial and positive contribution to Palace 's return to the big-time , before moving to Derby County in a £400,000 deal in the spring of 1980 .
6 ‘ A lover of nature , he was no lover of solitude , and like many whose occupations condemn them to long silences he seized eagerly on all opportunities of conversation . ’
7 And like many viral diseases , schizophrenia seems to be seasonally related , with the majority of hospital admissions occurring in early summer .
8 ( The animal-based glue dries out over the years and like many a good duo , the two eventually split up to go their separate ways . )
9 The Aero Club at North Shore Airfield claims to be the biggest in New Zealand , has an impressive , mainly Cessna , fleet , and like many other big clubs , offers fixed-wing and helicopter training , PPL , CPL , night , instrument and multi ratings , and aerobatics .
10 She had spent a lifetime obeying the rule of her childhood never to give way to her feelings in public , and like many .
11 It changed how people lived as well as how they thought : a sort of secular church , so to speak , and like many churches a hotbed of internecine sects .
12 I keep Koi in the main pond and goldfish in the other and like many fishkeepers ( whom I suspect are in the same situation as I ) I felt that I would be happier with some sort of quarantine/treatment facility for use when I purchase new fish .
13 Coleridge 's other drug-induced efforts are sheer doggerel by comparison and like many drug addicts he was famous for frequently taking great liberties with the exact truth — especially where his drug habit was involved .
14 John West arrived in the UK in 1973 as part of the South African Admiral 's Cup team sailing aboard Jackaranda , and like many young visiting yachtsmen he decided to stay .
15 Like Lord Byron [ q.v. ] , who suffered a similar deprivation and whom he would grow to resemble in other ways , Douglas hero-worshipped the absent captain , at twelve beginning an autobiographical essay : ‘ As a child he was a militarist , and like many of his warlike elders , built up heroic opinions upon little information — some scrappy war stories of his father . ’
16 And like many records of war , images of the anger , humiliation , privilege and resistance experienced by the fighters are not in the picture .
17 A quiet country pub in the peaceful Oxfordshire countryside , but the view now from the landlord 's window is of the M40 motorway and like many other villagers living along its route ; he says his peace has been shattered .
18 Knowsley SSD research and development officer Joe Blott referred to community care as the ‘ great unknown ’ , and like many of his colleagues elsewhere he is reserving judgement until the financial implications of the policy have had a chance to play themselves out in practice .
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