Example sentences of "and such [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 As to where you can find details of everyday life , there are of course , first the history books , particularly social history and such works as the multi-volume History of Everyday Things in England by Marjorie and D.H.B. Quennell ( to be found in most public libraries of any size ) .
2 It is generally supposed that while Paisley , Beattie , Foster , and such people wish to maintain the evangelical ethos , the younger generation of Peter Robinson , Jim Wells , Jim Allister , and others recruited through the Queen 's University branch of the DUP want to create a mass popular party by playing down the evangelical elements in the party platform and by pursuing more respectable methods of political action .
3 Whom do you vote for in Ulster if you are a Roman Catholic Tory — and such people do after all exist ?
4 All round us were stark-naked ruins and such people as there were about were white-faced and grim .
5 While certain contests I could mention ( clue : begins with ‘ W ’ and ends with ‘ inter Olympics ’ ) have been thrust down our throats , only a few poor unfortunates hooked into Mr Murdoch 's communications system will suffer 24-hour-a-day cricket coverage , and such people should not concern us here .
6 The limitations of this role are considerable , and such people can hardly expect others to be receptive , forthcoming and responsive towards them .
7 We begin by drawing up a huge ‘ A ’ list of all the stars that everybody recognizes , and that would always include the Royal family and such people as Paul Newman , Robert Redford , Jackie Onassis , and so on .
8 The post , in short , was not too easy to give , for it required a suitably qualified candidate who would be willing to serve without any real prospect of personal advantage , and such people are always somewhat scarce .
9 As my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has said many times , we should work as hard as we can in the heart of Europe to lead our partners away from the cause of Euro-dirigism and Euro-protectionism , which if allowed to develop under the influence of Madame Cresson and such people would render the entire Community less competitive in global markets and blight the prospects of the developing countries to the south and east of the existing Community .
10 In 1713 , at the election for the City of London ( where the franchise was vested in the liverymen ) , " a great Mob of Weavers and such people " ( who were presumably not enfranchised ) turned up at the Guildhall in support of the Whigs , and " made a disturbance and caus 'd much fighting and quarrelling " , although the four Tory candidates eventually carried the day , " notwithstanding the Rabble " .
11 Economists and economic historians have been interested in measuring poverty and wealth on a per capita basis for some time , and such data have been available for some of the advanced industrial countries for many years .
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