Example sentences of "and only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally he met other vagrants like himself , but most were unfriendly and only anxious to establish their power and strength .
2 The receptionist presided over a small office on the twenty-second floor of the United Nations Building , its unmarked door locked at all times and only accessible to authorized personnel .
3 It seems little short of incredible now that such a talent should not have been any source of income for half a century after she left art school , but heartening that the lack of any fiscal reward and only intermittent recognition from her peers made no impact on her creative energies .
4 A ‘ smoothed out ’ trilobite , with the head of similar size and shape to the tail , and only eight thoracic segments ( contrast the Cambrian trilobites in this book ) .
5 Only ten refer — usually more briefly — to their elderly parents , and only eight to their own ageing .
6 The first aircraft came into Wolverton Works on 2 April 1941 , when shop adaptations were incomplete and only eight men trained to commence work , and whilst the layout had to be completed and the staff were being gradually built up and trained , the first aircraft was completed by 31 July 1941 .
7 Many were destroyed by the Puritans and only eight now remain .
8 And only eight per cent of those that did had engaged a lawyer to speak for them ‘ even though , where defendants are represented , they are more likely to receive a favourable outcome . ’
9 The residents overwhelmingly support the restructuring , with 82 per cent regarding their residential situation as better or somewhat better than before and only eight per cent feeling that it is worse .
10 However , the New York exhibitions went ahead , opening in October 1948 , but with thirty-one drawings and only eight oils , of Corsican and Kent scenes .
11 And if you are ever going to see one of the genuine though attested rarities among the local fauna , a bear , a lynx , or an eagle , the Park is the only place you might do so , though there are thought to be fewer than twenty bears still living in the Pyrenees , and only eight pairs of eagles .
12 In some respects the situation at Daphni , a large institution with 1,900 patients and only eight kilometres from Athens , is worse .
13 The parasite was originally described in 1907 but the first human case was not recognised until 1976 and only eight cases were described in the literature before 1982 .
14 Then occasionally when we had houses broken into and so on , if it was thought that a tramp could have been responsible , it used to be a great help if we gave out nine tickets for tramps and only eight of the nine were admitted to the casual ward , then we should clamp down of course on the one who failed to turn up .
15 On 67 per cent of the farms there was no primary school , and only 5 per cent had adult literacy classes , of which only one-third were judged to be satisfactory .
16 Coal fell into disfavour on the grounds that steam engines are noisy , polluting and only 5 per cent efficient .
17 At the other end of the constellation is Beta , near Rigel and only 5 degrees south of the celestial equator .
18 A survey of married owner-occupier couples in 1971 found that 42 per cent had the home in the husband 's name , and only 5 per cent in the wife 's name , the remainder being joint mortgages ( Todd and Jones , 1972 ) .
19 For instance , of the estimated 2,100 regular opioid users in Camden and Islington in 1983 , about 70 per cent were aged 25 years or older , and only 5 per cent were aged between 16 and 19 years .
20 In California the advance towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ society has been more rapid than elsewhere and according to Bradshaw and Blakeley ( 1979,6 ) the four distinguishing characteristics of this ‘ prototypical advanced industrial society ’ are : ( a ) high technology ( for example , the explosive growth of microcomputers in the hitherto rural ‘ Silicon Valley ’ ) ; ( b ) up to 70 per cent employed in the service ( tertiary ) sector and only 5 and 25 per cent respectively in the primary ( agriculture ) and secondary ( manufacturing ) sector ; ( c ) the intense rate at which knowledge is generated and transmitted ; and ( d ) increasing interdependence between places for goods and services .
21 In 1958 , according to the same calculations , the Soviet Union influenced 31 per cent of the world 's population and 9 per cent of the world 's GNP ( excluding the USSR itself ) ; by 1979 the USSR influenced only 6 per cent of the world 's population and only 5 per cent of the world 's GNP , again excluding the USSR itself .
22 It won some 70 per cent of the vote , compared with 20 per cent for the Liberal Party ( which had previously held the seat ) and only 5 per cent for the ruling Progressive Conservative Party ( PCP ) .
23 The degree of involvement in the reviews has generally been high , nearly half the teachers feeling very involved , a further third fairly involved , and only 5 per cent feeling not involved at all .
24 Certainly the weight of military spending was much greater ( 9.4 per cent of GDP as against 3.9 per cent ) , but this was balanced by lower spending on civil programmes , especially social security transfers , which took 8.6 per cent of GDP in other countries and only 5 .
25 The nearer he got the more the hills below became steeper and wilder , the paths on them fewer , and only rough stone walls patterned them into occasional huge fields .
26 He discovered that 48 per cent of them first heard about the riot from another person , 27 per cent by direct observation and only 26 per cent from media coverage .
27 ‘ Given there are some 100,000 climbers in the UK and only 100 or so took part , I ca n't help but think that a tremendous message of indifference .
28 In my view these different aspects should be coordinated by a cardiologist who is in charge of the patients and it is certainly a mistake to regard rehabilitation as something separate and only suitable for good risk patients who do not require proper medical follow-up .
29 Less than half of the teachers in secondary schools in Solihull are in any degree familiar with their authority 's booklet for SSE and only one-tenth claim to know it well .
30 She was the first woman sculptor , and only deaf woman , to be made a member of any Royal Academy in the British Isles .
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