Example sentences of "and then you " in BNC.

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1 I paused for a moment , then said , ‘ Kathleen , let me tell you what I think would happen if I did as you say and then you tell me where I 'm going wrong .
2 Why do n't we go and sit down for a few minutes and then you can decide what you want to do next ? ’
3 And then you plunge into me , my spine shatters and floats in hyperspace , and I know — do n't know what it is , but it is .
4 And then you twist round and round ?
5 And then you lift your feet off the ground and rush round and round , faster and faster and the momentum even twists the chain up again the other way ? ’
6 We 'd get to one poem four or five days into the war , or after The Belgrano or Sir Galahad , and then you have ‘ Lie Still ’ … which is sombre , like a tribute , and then the others , like ‘ Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night ’ , which started off as a camp throwaway as a tango ; but the poems put together with an orchestra gives them much more depth . ’
7 - You find postal charges mysteriously a penny higher than you thought they were , so you buy a sheet of 1p stamps to upgrade all the old ones you have left , and then you find you have n't got any old ones left , only this big sheet of 1p stamps .
8 And then you 'd hear scurrying feet in the cinema .
9 It is extremely important that you have an organisation structure that is clearly understood and then you should not keep altering it .
10 And then you get put in a new place and you got to start all over again , finding where things are and making friends and that .
11 Sometimes you chuck summat away by accident and then you have to go looking in bins to find it .
12 It 's great to be out somewhere and then decide to go home , and there it is , waiting for you , and all you got to do is walk a bit and then you 'll be home and everything 'll be OK .
13 And then you went and danced with that Lout — and with Herman .
14 ‘ In any case , Karl will go , and then you will go away , too . ’
15 ‘ Some idiot might have seen a well-dressed elderly gent near the railway line and then you could have been questioned . ’
16 It 's easy to feel like Ziggy — of course it is — you play it on stage half the time and then you come home and have to be David Jones and I do n't have too much patience for that talk .
17 It 's only worth using MPs to have a go at the government , and then you spoon-feed it to them . ’
18 Dr Johnson begged a Berkeleian not to take his leave from the group he was with , ‘ for we may perhaps forget to think of you , and then you will cease to exist ’ .
19 And then you forced them on her .
20 The problem is that a good gimmick is contagious — everyone in Hollywood gets it all at once , and then you get a rash of movies all suffering from the same big idea .
21 But you tend to think that 's what a girl should look like — blonde hair and blue eyes — and then you look in the mirror and you 've got short Afro hair , and that 's when you maybe start thinking that 's the only way to be .
22 You eventually managed to get a flight to Milan , where you stayed in hiding , and then you spent some time near Lake Como ?
23 Secondly , in times of censorship or foreign occupation , the only available political expression may be a cultural one and then you have to develop idioms suited to that situation .
24 ‘ These are lurking demons waiting to pounce and then you either pack up or reluctantly and sadly sell something off .
25 And then you work ? ’
26 ‘ I push you up the hill and then you 're not content to take it steady on the track , oh no .
27 You are curious , you are looking for something else , because this is the second time that you have invited me to have a drink , you order cheiro as though you were one of us , you are a foreigner and pretend to speak like us , yet you drink little and then you stay silent and wait for me to speak .
28 Abbot Kenneth here will hear it , and give you a sweet little penance , and then you may be easy again . ’
29 Sylvia Plath once said that a story should begin with your main character up a ( metaphorical ) apple tree being pelted by someone — and then you deal with the problems arising .
30 And then you pick up something a bit more up-to-the-minute , such as Geoffrey Cannon and Hetty Einzig 's Dieting Makes You Fat , and you read this :
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