Example sentences of "and said to " in BNC.

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1 Mary peeped in to get another look at those wonderful moustaches and said to herself that they were nothing like corkscrews , more like one of those curved oriental swords that would cut right through you .
2 Cameron pretended not to see young Donald till he was close beside him , then turned in mock surprise and said to him , ‘ Well well , Donald — we had given you up .
3 Menzies started to answer but Cameron put his hand on his arm , shook his head slightly , and said to Byers , ‘ I see the trouble .
4 The girl approached the taxi and said to the driver :
5 Just before a tyro Pat Pocock played his first Test there , over 21 years ago , Tom Graveney cruelly pointed to the Bridgetown sightscreen and said to the tremulous off-spinner : ‘ Oh , look lad , it 's still peppered with those little red dots from that time Clyde Walcott got after Jim Laker ten years ago .
6 I said I did n't know , and thought no more of it and it was n't until David returned and was performing at the Arts Lab on the Sunday night that I remembered and said to David , ‘ Oh , by the way , while you were away I had a message — your father is not very well ’ .
7 In the Politburo Nguyen Van Ling is expected to stay on as secretary-general , even though he is 75 and said to be in poor health .
8 One day after a very difficult time with him , I exploded and said to him : ‘ I ca n't say that the Christian faith has made much difference to your life ! ’
9 He took one look at it and said to her , ‘ Jean , I think you should scrap the idea that Christ is the answer .
10 One of the grown-ups from along the street noticed the brooch and said to Gloria , ‘ You 're in luck !
11 I had always believed everything he did and said to be sincere and genuinely personal , but gradually small cracks began appearing in his carefully constructed persona and well-tended integrity .
12 ‘ Then he called him in a loud voice , and said to me , ‘ I think John Bunyan must be deaf . ’
13 He stepped forward , made polite conversation and said to the woman in the shoulderless dress : ‘ I 'm a nice chap , really , you know . ’
14 Twelve days later the consultant intervened and said to the man , ‘ Would n't you like to stroke that dog ? ’
15 He winked an eye at his companion and said to Frankie : ‘ Been to the pictures , have we , son ? ’
16 He leaned over and said to Ari , ‘ You were right .
17 That model worked comfortably , so she used it and said to him , ‘ Tell me about myself . ’
18 Imagine if you walked down a street and said to a man , ‘ Hey , I like your hair ’ , or ‘ You look nice today ’ .
19 I was conducting Elektra in Berlin — I think it was around the time of his 75th birthday — and at the end he came and said to me it was the best performance of the opera he had ever heard .
20 Sam looked longer and said to me challengingly , ‘ Well ? ’
21 He beamed widely as he was helped down the steps and said to me : ‘ O , gib 's nichts mehr ’ ( Do n't give us any more ) .
22 He ducked down on one knee and said to himself , ‘ Sasaki , gambare !
23 After a momentary pause , Gerrard swung his chair again and said to the audience , ‘ I hope you all understood all that .
24 When he had finished the portrait he looked at it with an expression of satisfaction and said to Indenbaum : ‘ There — that is for you ’ .
25 ‘ It 's too late , ’ said Moxie , and said to Franca , ‘ do go and rest , dear .
26 ‘ Goodnight , O , ’ and then she turned suddenly to Boy and said to him , very pointedly :
27 I turned away and said to Miss Kenton :
28 I sat him up , and said to him in a new voice that he was not to try and move without me .
29 Or had she just seen him one day , walking around the suburb where he had been born , and said to him , in that sharp voice she used for all commands : ‘ Marry Me ! ’
30 And he gave thanks to God for the grace which had been vouchsafed to him , and said to his mother , that he did not think it good to keep the Kings in captivity , but to let them go freely ; and he set them at liberty and bade them depart .
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