Example sentences of "and said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She now bent forward towards him and said under her breath , ‘ I 've been married five years , Charles , and I 've been five times pregnant .
2 They also slammed increases in prescription charges and said under a Labour Government eight out of ten Darlington families would be better off .
3 ‘ When I got home , the doctor came and said of course she could n't cook , so I was doing the cooking .
4 Ivy found her very elegant and said of her ( I am told ) : ‘ She 's a young woman who looks as if she had never had to wash her gloves . ’
5 Out players were apoplectic and our secretary , a local bank manager , talked of suing for libel ; but the Captain threw back his head with two guffaws and said of course we 'd play them and show them a thing or two .
6 She gave up the branch chairmanship of the Civil and Public Servants union in 1990 after 10 years and said of her multi-purpose role : ‘ My husband used to say our lounge was like an office on Sunday nights when I was sorting through my paperwork for the week . ’
7 Asked about Senna he quipped : ‘ Who was that ? ’ and said of Prost 's winning performance in last week 's South African Grand Prix he was surprised the Frenchman did not go faster .
8 But when Jesus saw it , he was much displeased , and said unto them , ‘ Suffer the little children to come unto me , and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God .
9 Then he called for Alvar Fañez and said unto him , Cousin , the poor have no part in the wrong which the King hath done us ; see now that no wrong be done unto them along our road : and he called for his horse .
10 And the Cid assembled his chief captains and knights and people , and said unto them , Kinsmen and friends and vassals , hear me : to-day has been a good day , and to-morrow shall be a better day .
11 Mr Maxwell was at court and said through his lawyers : ‘ The order for interim payment has been complied with and the petition has been dismissed . ’
12 ‘ Another man-witch , who was sentenced to the galleys for life , said that he had such a pity for the horses which the postillion galloped along the road that he did something to prevent it , which was that he took vervain and said over it the Pater Noster five times and the Ave Maria five times , and then put it on the road so that the horses should cease to run . ’
13 The doctor 's telephoned twice and said as how if you were n't back by ten , he 'd drive down from London . ’
14 He had hardly left the office when he built this , his first house as an independent architect , but later was embarrassed by it , and said at one point that he never wanted to see it or hear about it again , and that no architect should be allowed to build a house before he was forty .
15 Minnie had written to her about how terrible it had been , how Captain Cook had brought his wife up to see a specialist who had examined her and said at once there was nothing to be done , there was no operation possible , and he must take his wife home to die .
16 And so when Fael-Inis looked at him and said , ‘ It is something that is easily within your capabilities , good Calatin , ’ Calatin was very pleased , and said at once that he 'd do his best .
17 Scott J ( as he then was ) considered the question in North Eastern Cooperative Society Ltd v Newcastle upon Tyne City Council [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 142 , a case about ambiguous provisions in a lease about the status of the rent reviewer , and said at 146A :
18 But Karajan 's will was superhuman where music is concerned and he always had in his hand a trump card : a capacity for inner detachment that left him free of bitterness or rancour for all that has been written and said about him over the years .
19 This old lady came out and said about the cough — she gave me a dose of cough medicine .
20 So many detrimental things are written and said about our youth that for once let us give praise where it is due .
21 So I went back to Miss and said about the scanner appeal and she said that would be she thought that that would be the best idea .
22 I 've just remembered this , her saying about Annette , you know when Sue came up and said about erm being stunk out by the exhaust on that
23 So I went back to Miss White and said about the scanner appeal and she said that would be she thought that would be the best idea , not the .
24 She performed a somersault , shook her head , and said towards the Stella Maris , " I just like looking at you , that 's what it is .
25 She beckoned to the waiter and said without asking Wexford first , ‘ Bring me two coffees . ’
26 He swept a gaze over Doone and the plank and said with irony , ‘ Sorting it out , then ? ’
27 She came in holding a large vase of flowers and said with a smile :
28 As they passed him , he looked directly at Midnight for the first time and said with genuine feeling : ‘ I 'm sorry .
29 He put out his hand to her shoulder , warm under the gritty film of sand and said with mock pomposity .
30 He had turned on her and said with cold savagery , ‘ For fuck 's sake , stop kicking me , will you ? ’
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