Example sentences of "and who did " in BNC.

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1 It was the upper classes who sent 60,000 children to public school every year and who did not recognize the need to control family size in the way in which the middle classes did .
2 As billetees , we lived en famille with people we had never previously met , who did not want our company , and who did not know what we were doing in their towns .
3 One with a job during the day , who enjoyed looking after her small domain , and who did not demand too much attention from her landlady .
4 There were those who wanted to escape and thought that everyone else ought to want to , and there were those who did n't want to escape and who did n't want anyone else to want to either .
5 If only she could lose her puppy fat and get her hair done at a proper salon instead of having it cut by Ivy Tucker who lived down the road and who did hairdressing for pin money .
6 People who as babies were handled with love and delight , whose perfect little bodies were so much admired , and who did not acquire ‘ hang-ups ’ from later unfortunate experiences , do not seem to have problems with sexual intercourse .
7 Local authorities appointed volunteers to go from door to door to see who had room and who did n't ; those on the receiving end had no choice in the matter .
8 In each embassy he knew that had a Legal Attaché 's office there was a lady who looked like everyone 's mother , and who did the confidential typing and the greeting downstairs .
9 The trustee or personal representative may , inter alia , deal in the securities to which that information relates if his trades are based on the advice of someone who appeared to him to be an appropriate person for whom to seek such advice and who did not seem to him to be prohibited by ss.1 , 2 , 4 , or 5 from dealing .
10 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
11 Teacher : And who did he tell ?
12 One had to have ton , and it was the patronesses who decided who had it and who did not .
13 It was Minton , not Vaughan , who had become John Lehmann 's favourite and who did six vignettes for the dustjackets of his Chiltern Library classics .
14 An order requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants , who were not parties to any Euramco transaction and who did not receive anything under any Euramco transaction , to repay the investors the money paid for the Euramco shares , is , he submits , a compensatory order , not a restitutionary one .
15 If I was n't able to admit it to some old woman I 'd never see again and who did n't matter a scrap to me , how was I going to face it out for the rest of my life ?
16 The DES ( 1984b ) estimate of those candidates qualified for university in 1980/81 but not in 1982/83 and who did not gain a university place in 1982/83 only 47 per cent went into public sector HE .
17 ‘ Well , what does it do ? ’ asked Fenella , who was by no means sure about trusting an enchantment and who did not like the way Goibniu and Fiachra Broadcrown were flipping coins and chuckling sinisterly over the results .
18 We 'll keep an open mind about the caller 's sex until we get confirmation from Bidwell , but it was probably a woman , probably also someone who knew that old Mr. Lorrimer was expected to be in hospital yesterday , and who did n't know that the appointment had been cancelled .
19 Students who obtained a C1 Certificate and who did not wish to enter employment immediately should be able to undertake further studies ; in some instances , this might be a Diploma in Art and Design course , but in most cases it would lead to a Higher Certificate of the validating body .
20 And who did they used to export that for ?
21 ( One of the teachers whom I interviewed , and who did not comment on this question , has since told me that she used it with a class .
22 And who did you see in the wings ? ’ —
23 Question : What 's the most complex and challenging intellectual feat ever achieved by human beings and who did it ?
24 I would not be so ungallant as to doubt the word of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East today , but given the pressure that Labour Members placed on that Bill , a serious question mark would hang over any Labour Secretary of State who did not give way to pressure regarding the timetabling of a public inquiry procedure and who did not take some time to allow the result to be published or deliberated on .
25 And who did attend ? ’
26 Patients who did not present with bulky or extensive initial disease and who did not relapse after complete remission had a good prognosis , comparable with that of low or mixed grade patients .
27 I mean look , for forgetting the women , but just look look at who else did well in those elections and who did less well , you had the modernizers doing less well , the Tony Blairs and the Gordon Browns , and you had the traditionalists , or the perceived traditionalists if you prefer , er the John Prescotts , for instance , and the Frank Dobsons doing extremely well .
28 Yet there were others who clearly did not relish James 's rule , having actively opposed him when King , and who did their best to distance themselves from the Jacobite cause after the Revolution , Archbishop Sancroft being the most famous example .
29 The collection was the life 's work of Kermit Weeks , an unassuming , astute , private man who wanted to share his love of aviation and his appreciation for fine aircraft with the world and who did so through his Museum .
30 Whelan was felled early on by Ball who should have walked then , and who did similar to McAllister in the second half .
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