Example sentences of "and that world " in BNC.

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1 Many observers believe that this outcome would not have happened if BA had not been privatised as such a dominant carrier in the UK , but others argue that this claim is irrelevant and that world competition is what matters ; BA and BCal were both relatively small on the world stage , but might have been able to compete effectively in a merged form .
2 But the claim to criticise the world through its literary culture , in its day , had been little short of a claim to rule that culture and that world .
3 But the enormous changes in the social life and industrial occupations of the vast majority of our people , changes begun in the sixteenth century and greatly accentuated by the so-called Industrial Revolution , have created a gulf between the world of poetry and that world of everyday life from which we receive our " habitual impressions " .
4 Veblen portrays this class as determined to create a distance between themselves and that world of necessity which was the foundation of their fortune .
5 And that world , that ghetto , happens to be in this city , in Cork .
6 And that world is parting away with that he who does God 's will stands forever .
7 Edis 's pictures — and that world — can be seen in Working of Victory : Images of Women in the First World War .
8 That certainly would fit very well with the familiar notion of a writer shaking off the anguished preoccupations of childhood and adolescence , free now in his maturity to put ironic distance between himself and that world , but it wo n't do .
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