Example sentences of "and not go " in BNC.

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1 Cloke said his instructions on Vaguely Artistic were to sit upsides the favourite , Market Leader , and not to go to the front too quickly .
2 Thousands of school children , all of them well over sixteen , were crammed there into a large tall gilt room , and told not to insult the French , not to talk to Arabs , and not to go to Montmartre : then an English lady stood up and said that Paris had always been for her a source inépuisable de something , and everyone clapped , and then they were all turned out again , rather quickly , for the room was clearly needed for something else .
3 And not to go into too much depth , basically if I can find the switch .
4 And not to go out w empty handed .
5 ‘ She decided it would be very much more sensible to conserve her energies for her programme later in the summer and not to go to the races .
6 If you dare to walk past and not go in , they dismiss you with a pout like a child , you cease to exist .
7 Why we may go walks together , and not go to his house where there is all his family I simply can not imagine .
8 I simply urge you to be reasonable and not go over the top . ’
9 That is to say , he must take care , and not go off the rails .
10 But I knew Elsie would start at the top and not go very far down .
11 ‘ The day has come when India should go for new faces and not go on trying with the old ones , who have failed us miserably , ’ he said .
12 I 'd tell my husband I 'd rather have a change of holiday and not go with our friends .
13 She had a row with a young man named Nick Owens when they were all at the caelidhe one evening and he told her that he wanted her to be his girl and not go out with anyone else .
14 It 's probably unrealistic to expect you to avoid the sun altogether on holiday , but you must use a sunscreen with a factor of at least 15 and not go any lower .
15 Now that she was going to stay on in France for a while and not go back to her old school , she 'd already let go of those friends .
16 The fire had come from his home and the money from the sale of the fire and not go through the books of the business .
17 Mark took from Sophia the cyclostyled leaflet hardly a ‘ brochure ’ he felt — and read through the rules starting with ‘ Sex ( undoctored … = and Siamese cats can not be accepted ) ’ , going on to invite owners to bring bedding but ‘ no bowls , please ’ , and ending with the injunction ‘ This year we must ask you to leave your cat at the house and not go down to the Cattery .
18 Surely , if a Member of Parliament takes a G M B sponsorship they should take the whip that we give and follow our rules and not go against us by going by constituent .
19 The beautiful house looked just the same , white and gleaming in the sunlight , and Jenna looked away quickly , knowing that she wanted to stay here with Alain and not go back to her empty life , her sterile plans for the future .
20 ‘ How much longer I shall stay in it and not go out of it , who knows !
21 Files of the East German State Security police ( " Stasi " ) would , for the time being , remain in East Germany ( and not go to the West German state archive in Koblenz ) .
22 Perhaps every one should go to the ground and not go in .
23 The corporation hopes miners will take the redundancy and not go through the lengthy procedure .
24 How can you play football and not go to school then ?
25 How do , how can you lay on your back and not go under boy ?
26 and not go through you know in a while you 'll go through and not stay there
27 but they could win the league this , this season and not go up
28 ‘ You were trying to assess a guy 's character , whether he was clean and straight , and not going to double-cross you . ’
29 That 's how it happens , all those improvisational sections coming out — me forgetting what I played on albums and not going back and re-learning it . ’
30 There was also what was to become a recurrent feature of Gilkes 's reports — as indeed it had been for a half a century already — regret at the parents ' lack of faith or courage , which resulted in boys leaving early and not going on to University .
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