Example sentences of "and i have " in BNC.

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1 There is no biographical key with which it can be unlocked — and I have not been trying to turn one in this essay of mine , which does not believe it , for that matter , to be locked .
2 Two of the most outstanding of recent playwrights are David Hare and Tom Stoppard , and I have included extracts from their work in the audition piece selections , p 31 .
3 You and I have something in common you know . ’
4 I 've only known you since first thing this morning and I have n't had time to take everything in .
5 ‘ You know , Dorothy , you and I have one thing in common , ’ I remember saying to myself in a Dutch accent , ‘ we both only got as far as Harwich . ’
6 As is my usual practice , I pruned the first year 's growth back hard to produce several stems instead of just one , and I have been well rewarded for my efforts .
7 It is a frightening experience , and I have never heard of anyone doing it a second time .
8 Having watched and assessed the track record of some young officer , the middle-ranking detectives will perhaps put him forward as a candidate , and I have watched as potential members were admitted only after a series of phone calls had ensured their acceptability to the department .
9 And I have never kissed a woman like you before , I 've never kissed you before .
10 I did n't ask to fall in love with you , but by God , lady , I have , and I have every reason to believe you want to as well . ’
11 And I have no water boiled yet for the porridge . ’
12 It must be confusing and I have no answer to the criticism , except to blame the clearly short-sighted attitude on management .
13 Over the years I have had all sorts of lighter weight machines and I have gradually replaced them with either Wadkin or Robinson versions .
14 Turning , planing , routing and so on generate vast quantities of shaving , and I have found that I have to empty my 17 litre wet and dry vacuum cleaner at frequent intervals .
15 This is not a new issue and I have spoken to the Tyne Brewery and its counterpart at Masham on several occasions in the past and tried to argue that ‘ brewed in Newcastle and Masham ’ would indeed be a more honest alternative to their current advertising policy .
16 Quantity is easier to consider than quality , of course , and I have found that a promotions committee can be thrown into bemusement and mild disarray by suggesting that many of the publications on a candidate 's CV might better have not been published .
17 and I have not thought of
18 ‘ The Government has shown in the past that it is willing to grasp nettles that others have shied away from , and I have no doubt we shall grasp this one if we have to . ’
19 In the past week I have seen an exhibition of photographs by Lewis Morley — billed as ‘ Photographer of the Sixties ’ — at the National Portrait Gallery and I have reviewed elsewhere Paparazzo ! , a collection of pavement snaps , taken during the Thatcher years , more or less , by someone called Richard Young .
20 In the end , they did get some players and I have said I am pretty satisfied that the England players who went did n't go for money .
21 ‘ I sometimes play half of a match good and half of a match bad , or not so good , and I have a feeling it gives opponents the chance to come back , ’ he said .
22 It is now 10.30pm and I have still not finished today 's Independent .
23 People milled about the room , shaking hands , saying things like : ‘ Hello , I 'm Jane , and I have a right to be alive . ’
24 The Chancellor of the Exchequer was given a two-minute standing ovation after he delivered an uncompromising defence of his policies and declared : ‘ It is clear that the economy is already responding to the measures we have taken , and I have no doubt whatever that it will come right in good time .
25 ‘ My husband and I have just taken out a massive loan to finance the purchase of offices and manufacturing equipment .
26 I 'm no good at football , and I have n't had a steady job since last March , ’ he said glumly .
27 The time is now 7.30 p.m. and I have just finished a very good meal of my favourite steak and kidney out of , of course , the self-heating tin .
28 I have been producing guidebooks for fifteen years and I have never thought of that .
29 The prime site out of the above-mentioned locations is , in my experience , London , and the worst the railway stations , but there are far better places than even the City of London and I have been made aware that the airports are an example of sites that fall into this category .
30 Having worked as an agent , I always take care of Dire straits ' concert bookings and I have made that sort of mistake with them .
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