Example sentences of "and that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For a while I got deep into The Coasters and The Platters and all this old doo-wop stuff , and that somehow led to writing a song for Tin Machine 's second album .
2 Finally you must always tell them that if they 're stranded anywhere , they must ring you — and that somehow you will arrange for transport home .
3 It 's just chat — how 's the family , here 's the latest joke , how 's it going — and that somehow makes for great entertainment .
4 Karen , very tired and possibly a little drunk , realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before , at an earlier dinner in the house , and that somehow it was probably quite offensive .
5 I hope that my hon. Friend the Minister will be able to tell the House that there will be no amnesty for poll tax dodgers and that however high and mighty — be they Members of the House , Labour councillors or whoever — no one will receive an amnesty for refusing to pay the community charge .
6 So that every American president is a sort of half breed , a cross between Daniel Boone and Jesus Christ and that however corrupt and venal a politician he might have been before , once he assumes the White House it is assumed that he changes .
7 Intense personal involvement is another outcome of depending on local knowledge ; and that also carries costs , as we have shown .
8 One answer to this question might utilize an optical theory of the telescope that explains its magnifying properties and that also gives an account of the various aberrations to which we can expect telescopic images to be subject .
9 Then I brought it back and went out again with a blank canvas and that also is finished .
10 The next day , after the thirty-third night spent on the exitless side of a bed that was shoved up against a wall and that also housed a physiotherapist called Daphne , an air hostess called Olga , and Olga 's dopey Teddy bear , I got out of the bottom of the bed unheard and thought , No .
11 That was also — I think it must have been a very heavy string net ; and that also had down each side , very long red or blue tassels .
12 There are other parts of an animal 's environment that change in more consistently malevolent directions , and that also need to be ‘ tracked ’ .
13 And that also applies to me , she thought dolefully .
14 This experiment hypothesises that this is indeed the case and that also males are more lateralised in both the left and right visual fields , and accordingly the right and left cerebral hemispheres respectively , than women .
15 Harry Pollitt reported to the Central Committee of the Party in January 1936 that : We fight to affiliate as an organised Party , campaigning for united action on the part of all workers organisations , for a change of policy that corresponds to the desires of the Labour Party members , and that also opens up the perspective of realising at a later stage one united working class political party .
16 The Muslims believe that the spot marks Adam 's punishment for disobedience and that here he was made to stand on one foot for a very long time .
17 Members of Wales PPA quickly realised that these published beliefs were the same as their own , and that here was perhaps an opportunity to avail themselves of much-needed funding to establish support systems which would enable families to take their rightful place in the local playgroup or mother and toddler group .
18 I shall be suggesting in Part Two that the basic idea of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ , and of all value , arises similarly from what feels good or bad to us , and that here again this good and bad which is demoted to the role of what only feels so is ultimately the value which is really there in the world , besides which the good and bad of our social construction of reality is only a kind of useful fiction .
19 In paragraph 8(b) of his affidavit the coroner states that a verdict of natural causes aggravated by lack of care is relevant only if an inquest is held and that here he was concerned with the antecedent question whether an inquest should be held at all .
20 Fenella stood very still and stared at the Robe , seeing that the lids were closed and that here and there the lashes were matted and sticky-looking .
21 Given that the aim is one of certainty , and that here the contract is not with a consumer , the likelihood is that s 8 of the UCTA will have no effect on this clause .
22 Every serious practising critic knows a secret which is less often publicly discussed , namely , that there exists no ready-made corridor between the sealed chambers of stylistic investigation and that equally unventilated space in which the object of study is reconstituted as narrative structure .
23 the fact that scientific method , in the sense of a critical and sceptical approach to enquiry and a readiness to test hypotheses , enters at many points into so-called arts subjects , and that equally the spirit of speculative enquiry , the exercise of creative imagination and the capacity for making value judgments are important in the activities of the scientist and technologist .
24 Renton 's suggestion of a further review of its role stems from the feeling in his department that the present system is an administrative duplication , that it does not allow the Minister to determine the policy framework , and that whenever a major funding issue arises the government has in any case to be directly involved at present .
25 Thus the general lessons are that a concentrated vertical market structure is not necessarily undesirable , and that freely negotiated contractual relationships are not necessarily benign .
26 Marx argues in many places , but most clearly in the Preface to the Critique of Political Economy , that the source of the destruction of the capitalist system would come from the fact that the social system which itself had been created in order to work the factories and markets of capitalism would become increasingly incompatible with the technological requirements of these factories and markets , and that ultimately this incompatibility would lead to revolution .
27 essential that the civil rights movement include all elements that are deprived , not just republicans , and that unity in action within the civil rights movement be developed towards unity of political objectives to be won , and that ultimately ( but not necessarily immediately ) the political objective agreed by the organised radical groups be seen within the framework of a movement towards the achievement of a 32 county democratic republic .
28 This was taken by a number of experts as showing that earlier estimates had been purposely conservative and that ultimately there will turn out to be far more oil in the North Sea than currently estimated .
29 All the candidates agreed that the issue was an extremely complex one and that ultimately , within limits , policy had to be based on a woman 's right to choose .
30 Certainly , once the Crown has been depersonalized to the point where it is synonymous with ‘ the government ’ , it is unnecessary and undesirable that coercive remedies designed to control government activity should not be available against the Crown which is the government , and that ultimately the only sanction for government compliance with the law should be political .
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