Example sentences of "and use as " in BNC.

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1 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
2 Unfortunately , the overwhelming majority of surviving herds of deer either died off or escaped when country houses were requisitioned during the Second World War ; the ‘ Dig for Victory ’ campaign meant that much ancient pasture was ploughed and used as arable land which was often never reseeded .
3 We have , therefore , two possibilities to offer at this stage of our thinking : a simultaneous approach offering a mixture of BSL and English presented concurrently by teacher and pupil , or a bilingual approach where both BSL and English are accepted and used as separate languages .
4 Coal dust should be collected up into strong brown bags , dampened down and used as coal .
5 The interviewer is looking for a relapsed sport or hobby which can be restarted and used as behavioural tasks in homework assignments .
6 All such topics can be referred to with the help of suitable denoting phrases and used as grammatical subjects in subject/ predicate propositions .
7 Er , scrap timber can be stacked up at one side , and used as firewood .
8 5 ) The main priority was to develop databases which could be shared between members of the group and used as introductory material for school librarians who had newly acquired microcomputers .
9 And used as a medicine as well .
10 And used as a medicine ?
11 It gathers detritus ( wood , and other forms of cellulose ) which it carries into the heart of its giant nests , and uses as a substrate on which to cultivate fungi , on which it feeds .
12 If a person criticizes the criminal justice system and uses as an example the handling of his case , are his opinions to be considered opinions ‘ regarding such crime ’ ? ’
13 One is to minimize the significance of possible semantic differences between variants , and the other is to acknowledge and use as a foundation for the analysis the interrelationships between syntax , semantics and discourse .
14 The distinction works only in part , at least so far as social work is concerned , but it allows the author to develop and use as a thread through the discussion , the historically gendered nature of the division between the so-called caring professions and professions such as medicine , law , and architecture .
15 Next year , a technology module will be docked on Mir , the Soviet space station , and used as a futuristic electronics laboratory .
16 It is widely assumed that Elders will not bother to hold on to any Scottish shares and its 23.7 per cent stake will be acquired and used as the springboard for a bid .
17 The outer casing is removed from these seeds and used as a food dye ; it is used extensively on washed rind cheeses .
18 It is further alleged that the last-but-one head of the secret police quietly sold to his wife and family a mansion which the service had commandeered and used as a torture centre in the 1970s .
19 Those who want to be paid-up , signed-up members and those who for one reason or another do not actually want to become a member but are keen to be kept informed , involved and used as the occasion demands .
20 A Georgian mansion , as near to Tara Hill as possible , could be restored and used as the Royal palace .
21 It remains to discuss how they might be characterized , interpreted , and used as a basis for further work .
22 In summer 1984 a Commission scientist wrote in Coal and Energy Quarterly , a journal funded by and used as a mouthpiece for the National Coal Board , that ‘ there is no damage [ in British conifers ] that can be defined as new ’ and ‘ the chances of similar damage [ to that in West Germany ] occurring here is considered low . ’
23 They can then be referred to and used as a tool to facilitate such activities as decision making , monitoring and evaluation .
24 Equally , training and development is based on the formulation of the current situation being diagnosed against stated outcomes and used as a vehicle to ‘ close the gap ’ in individual and organisational terms .
25 Finally , in the second half of the eighteenth-century the palazzo was returned to the city and used as an extension of the town hall .
26 Despite this claim to fame the church has been subjected to several indignities , having been deconsecrated and used as a barracks and a chemical store before being reopened for worship in 1899 .
27 Despite extensive damage it was later rebuilt and used as a roller corn mill .
28 If the report is seen and used as a reminder note of discussions that took place during the consultation meeting rather than a stand alone document then the task of report writing becomes significantly easier .
29 Hereafter the penicillins were studied in countless laboratories , academic and commercial , and discoveries were made which enabled them to be better understood and used as the foundation for many new drugs .
30 If a single phrase of Beethoven 's ninth symphony is sufficiently distinctive and memorable to be abstracted from the context of the whole symphony , and used as the call-sign of a maddeningly intrusive European broadcasting station , then to that extent it deserves to be called one meme .
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