Example sentences of "and then leave " in BNC.

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1 I dumped my things and then left again .
2 It is rubbed into the hair and scalp and then left to dry naturally , because using a hair dryer can destroy its effectiveness .
3 Again it is this incomprehension of social mobility which seems to have caused my ACC to describe an officer who took a degree and then left to become a solicitor as ‘ a bad experience for the force ’ ( and not a gain for society ) .
4 On Junction Buttress , Malc Taylor put All my Pegs in one Basket and then left them in the obvious overhanging crack , which is now E7 6c .
5 ‘ Go up to the front row and keep two chairs , ’ he directed and then left them .
6 The pupil had been at Magdalen for a year , and then left to join the Army .
7 The two bodies are often at loggerheads , and there are constant disputes over methods : are the newcomers best served by direct absorption — being given money and subsidies for their first year and then left to cope on their own , or by being placed in one of the 38 Jewish Agency absorption centres .
8 Thousands of black students are exploited by being lured to college on the promise that their sporting skills will lead to a professional career — and then left ill-educated and forgotten ( although the colleges are enriched by the television networks ) when the career does not materialise .
9 That God created the world and then left it to a forsaken humanity , trying to address Him in an echoless void — this idea is n't new .
10 Eleanor told him she understood , kissed him and then left to start the long journey home .
11 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
12 EMILY MacPeake turned the corner from Merrycrest Avenue into Ashlea Drive and then left up Merrycroft Avenue .
13 He made one last check — as best he could — in the tiny shaving mirror in the bathroom and then left his apartment .
14 I waited until 6.30 and then left .
15 The doctor trekked through the driving snow behind the girl , and then left her downstairs to go and tend to the mother .
16 A program knowing something about people 's typical behaviour in restaurants is able to infer ( without needing to be explicitly told ) that if John asked for the bill and then left , he probably paid the bill before leaving .
17 The gods came : they ate and danced and then left contented .
18 You drew me through the undergrowth out into the light and then left me bare and hurting .
19 A trickster who constantly committed adultery — and then left her facing a mountain of debt .
20 She made a cold lunch for herself and then left to visit her mother-in-law .
21 Having iced the cake with a plain layer of royal icing and then left it to dry , I have made copies of small pressed flower pictures both on the top , as a centrepiece , and with small sprays around the sides of the cake .
22 Carefully selected legs of pork are conditioned in salt and then left to age for at least 12 months .
23 Made from fine-cut beef and pork , this salami is cured naturally in salt and then left to mature for three months in a controlled but draughty atmosphere .
24 But there seemed to be no way of keeping her out of trouble ; her maid , ‘ seeing discomfort on every side ’ , first refused to obey her , and then left her .
25 The lady settled me comfortably and then left the cottage .
26 He bowed over her outstretched hand and then left quickly before she had time to gather her wits .
27 He glared at Newman and then left the room with Carver .
28 ‘ I reckon someone nicked them and then left them here ! ’
29 The imperial presence was manifest : those who attended had the advantage of travelling on the imperial transport system ; the structure of the Council mirrored that of senatorial procedure , the 318 fathers ( a traditional number — actual attendance was more likely to have been about 250 ) gathered in a hall of the imperial palace ; Constantine spoke asking them to restore concord , and then left them to themselves .
30 On private land , the State made the pomeshchik responsible for the collection of taxes from his serfs and then left him to his own devices .
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