Example sentences of "and can never " in BNC.

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1 It 's one of those rare books of comic genius that imprints itself on the brain and can never afterwards be eradicated .
2 Historically and theologically , of course , it is not and can never be .
3 We are so constituted , that if we insist on being as sure as is conceivable , in every step of our course , we must be content to creep along the ground , and can never soar .
4 A man is the history of his breaths and thoughts , acts , atoms and wounds , love , indifference and dislike ; also of his race and nation , the soil that fed him and his forebears , the stones and sands of his familiar places , long-silenced battles and struggles of conscience , of the smiles of girls and the slow utterance of old women , of accidents and the gradual action of inexorable law , of all this and something else too , a single flame which in every way obeys the laws that pertain to Fire itself , and yet is lit and put out from one moment to the next , and can never be relumed in the whole waste of time to come .
5 Schools are not , and can never be , autonomous .
6 There is no single moral principle which is sole and supreme and can never conflict with any other .
7 Sadly , many sufferers believe that there is no cure and can never be one .
8 And whereas a womb that has been occupied by a Future Buddha is like the shrine of a temple , and can never be occupied or used again , therefore it was that the mother of the Future Buddha died when he was seven days old , and was reborn in the Tusita heaven .
9 The fuel , dormant and immobile , will now be transformed into heat and light and can never again resume its former state .
10 There is also one present very dear to the hearts of my family as we are terrible ‘ glove-losers ’ and can never find a pair to keep our hands warm .
11 Of course , such judgments of taste are relative : the new Dent ‘ Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music ’ throws up its hands and declares : ‘ We do not know , and can never know , what the difference between a modern counter-tenor and his Tudor equivalent really was . ’
12 Historical consciousness is necessarily ideological , even if dialectical , and can never in itself provide the one true meaning of history .
13 He has good fingers and can never be accused of interpretative posturing ; but his phrasing can be unimaginative , his passagework frequently sounds étude - like , and his feeling for dramatic ebb and flow is rarely in evidence .
14 Marxists influenced by Gramsci 's analysis have also often asserted the impact of dominant ideas , but , in their view , acquiescence has been always problematic ; it has to be worked for through the establishment of hegemony and can never be simply taken for granted .
15 A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant .
16 It came from where memory is young and the power in a young eagle 's flight is great and can never fade .
17 Abreu 's strategies appear to rule out such renegotiation possibilities — an agreement is made once and for all and can never be reopened .
18 The detective was philosophical : time , in this world at least , only flows in one direction and can never be summoned back .
19 The normal dyadic pairs which are represented by the category oppositions husband/wife , parent/child , elder sibling/younger sibling , brother/sister , are always asymmetrical and can never function as relationships of completely balanced reciprocity .
20 If the English do not like children , it is because they think they ought to behave properly , responsibly and quietly in their presence and can never riot or have a good time when they 're around .
21 ‘ Now you know … you must know , or you would not have spoken to him so , the reason I am not your wife … and can never be so , Benedict . ’
22 However , the user MANAGER always remains at the top of the LIFESPAN system 's user tree and can never lose his unique privileges .
23 However , the user MANAGER always remains at the top of the LIFESPAN system 's hierarchy and can never lose his unique privileges .
24 However , the user MANAGER always remains at the top of the LIFESPAN system 's user tree and can never lose his unique privileges .
25 The NI has now established itself — but it is not , and can never be , part of the Establishment . "
26 He 's already married , and can never leave his wife and son , so for all our sakes I must go away .
27 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
28 If something interests you , you 're free to go and explore the possibilities of teaching it , and you are n't shut into these watertight boxes that you 're in that department and can never get out of it .
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