Example sentences of "and from there " in BNC.

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1 But I feel sure that only by going to St Bertrand de Comminges ( another name that crops up in the Cantos ) , and from there to Mont Ségur , shall we see the point of : ‘ at Mont Ségur the chief 's cell / you can enter it sideways only ’ ( 101:725:77 ) .
2 When immigrant children first enter the borough they are sent , if the education department has any doubts about their English , to an assessment centre , and from there a large proportion of them are channelled into reception classes .
3 We got on very well and from there came the start of MainMan .
4 His school was the County High School at Dagenham and from there he had won a scholarship to Oxford .
5 The man in the attic had been dragged through the gaps under the roof to one of the empty houses next door , and from there to the bushes down by the beck where the sound of his coughing would not give him away .
6 It is not that people need to change or be ‘ cured ’ ; it is that they need to pursue their thoughts to their logical conclusion and from there make decisions on the basis of what they have discovered about themselves .
7 THE next leg of my journey takes me the short drive to Regensburg and from there I follow a minor road to Cham , last stop before the German-Czech border post .
8 Gist of this intelligence ( with , of course , the utmost care to protect its source ) must have been conveyed to all regional commands in the United Kingdom , and from there filtered downward , for this moment coincided with the time when Leslie declared his willingness to perform almost any task in order to help repel invaders .
9 In 1867 he set off again , this time for Vietnam , and from there to Hong Kong .
10 He was sent away to boarding school at Ampleforth and from there went to Trinity College , Cambridge , to read architecture .
11 All went well on the long trip to the Jebel mountains and from there the intrepid raiding party set off for their target .
12 The concrete walls are six feet high and from there to the eaves spaced timber cladding breaks the wind and gives good ventilation .
13 And from there he would rattle back to Wimbledon and his wife of twenty years .
14 Donald approached Waitrose with military precision , working his way steadily through Farinaceous , Vegetables ( Salad ) , Vegetables ( Root , Loose and packed ) , poultry , Game , Continental Cuts and Mince , and from there by way of Fish ( Frozen ) and Fish ( Fresh ) to Spices , Pickles and Non-refrigerated Ready-packed Sauces , through to pet food , Pet Accessories and Household Cleaners .
15 Rodrigo raised his standard at Juballa , a strong castle on the borders of Valencia , and from there began to raise an army to reconquer the city which had so recently been under his command .
16 I got him into the factory and from there we got the ambulance and … and I took him to the Royal Victoria Infirmary . ’
17 Her cruel circumstances conspired to put her into a remand home at 14 — and from there she went to an adolescent unit , until the age of 17 .
18 Everything goes as planned and I soon bully him into the landing net , and from there the hook is removed and he is slid into my big , knotless keepnet , where he can lie safe and recover while I try to catch him some company .
19 Via sink , bath or lavatory , all these cleaners disappear down the drain and that usually leads to the sewer , on to sewage treatment plant and from there to sea or river .
20 I remember how the tar used to boil out of the tarmac and stick to the soles of our shoes , and from there to our socks and our legs .
21 Then they went into another tank of clean water and from there into an oven to dry .
22 Thence to the Dock Road and from there to East Prescot Street , as the Royal Family were staying with Lord Derby .
23 The brass work was cast in the brass foundry , and from there it was sent to the brass finishing shop for machining and cleaning up , afterwards traversing the plating department where it received either venetian bronze , oxidised silver or plain brass lacquer finish , next passing to position No 3 for fixing in the carriage .
24 The brass shop was laid out with the rough brass stores on one side , whence the castings passed to the machines , thence to the benches , and from there to the polishers , next to the platers and finally to the lacquerers at the other side of the shop , each operation in turn bringing the parts further across the shop .
25 On 23 November 1917 , the Battalion entrained for Italy and , after a six day journey , arrived at Marseilles and from there along the French Riviera to Ventimiglia and on to Villa del Conte to become part of the XIXth Corps , taking over positions on the Piave , and then on the Asiago Plain .
26 Bomber Command itself was situated at High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and from there the orders were sent out every day to each Group Headquarters , indicating which target had been selected for that night 's operation , and the Groups then sent on the information to the Commanding Officers at each of the air fields , or ‘ out-stations ’ .
27 The journey by train from Cambridge to Lincoln was tedious , involving several changes , and on arrival I was met by the usual RAF truck for the half hour 's run into Binbrook village and from there up the steep hill to the RAF Station on its plateau above the low lying plains .
28 Then along the highest sea cliffs in England to Staithes and from there to Whitby .
29 A similar experiment showed that Phoma spores can be transferred from tubers to soil on potato graders , and from there to other tubers during grading .
30 The hypothesis of the nature and origin of the Created God as has been expounded herein provides a means whereby God can be defined and given an origin in evolutionary terms , and from there on in broader terms to embrace human civilisation .
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