Example sentences of "and that way " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet Union would only permit a united Germany if that state was to be neutral , the argument went , and that way lay the old nightmare of a Germany swinging between East and West .
2 Her solution was to become so thin that she was extremely plain and ‘ ill ’ looking , and that way she felt she avoided the sense of being in competition with her mother , removing herself from the battle zone .
3 ‘ This way and that way . ’
4 The Bible provides a clear and simple way to clear up the major cause of trouble , and that way is reconciliation .
5 What I mean by that is that if there are eight or ten things running across the spectrum from left to right , they 're all at specific points , and that way you can do a more sophisticated job of layering , while still retaining a certain delicacy . ’
6 And that way your amp wo n't blow up .
7 The first task that we have is to present ourselves and that way we can get into the papers and on to the TV and smash those trends that are destroying things , sucking up people 's blood .
8 What I know of Moscow is that you keep your nose clean and do the work you 've set out to achieve , and that way there 's no hassle .
9 Now the reason why we 've come together and this has been a recent change and it 's been this year , erm is because there are overlaps without going into deep detail , there are overlaps in our work and we were working together as officer 's anyway , but not as well as we should , so what we decided to do was formally integrate the three teams under the same unit , and we do have regular er internal meetings , management team meetings consisting of John , Pete me and Carol and we so we more co-ordinate the work for all the teams much more systema systematically , that we know what everybody 's doing and that way we believe we can use best use of resources we 've got most effectively .
10 Well , of course , it is inevitable that one thinks of it from that angle from the way one has been brought up but actually one ca n't think of anything more barbaric than the Crucifixion and that way of killing somebody .
11 on and that way you can find out who the candidates are , and once we know who the candidates are we can start going out and seeing if they have public meetings or whatever .
12 I know somebody here who got very good marks for his lab work and he 's good on computers , and he just programmed the computers in random errors and stuff that give him set results and nice graphs , and they were n't perfect so nobody noticed them , but he fiddled them , and that way he did n't have to do any lab work if he did n't want to .
13 And that was how I was trained and that way I was trained seven and a half years ago , it has now all changed again .
14 All round Street and that way .
15 Come through and that way on .
16 If you intend to climb a mountain , you do not look at the foothills and worry ; you keep your eyes fixed on the summit , and that way , if you are very lucky and very determined , you may achieve it .
17 And that way when you analyze the results you can sort of say , Well we found that say Birmingham was very disliked erm but you can say that was n't I mean if everybody in the whole sample
18 and that way you can include you can even include sort of very upper class varieties which are sort of
19 You had to lay them this way and that way
20 The selection of print and design according to the house was not the usual way round but it was much more luxurious and that way we produced results that were unique .
21 And that way she need cancel nothing .
22 ‘ It 's not used , and that way you could have kept everything together .
23 and that way .
24 You opened the door into the corridor but not the window into the sun and that way you got — but perhaps this was fancy — a draught of air .
25 This is because the denizens of the past did n't have access to the theory of cognitive metaphor , and that way of understanding language .
26 The gauntlet was down , the opportunity to talk to arrange a forum , to come together , land owners , local authorities , the hunt 's people , er the interested parties , to come together and look for a decent way of hunting and that way is probably drag hunting and we 're giving you a golden opportunity to start that route .
27 ‘ Then go away , and that way I wo n't cause you any more inconvenience at all ! ’
28 And then some at Jailside Parkses and in the , during the winter months we used to , we had a spot to meet about half a dozen of us from the various factories , because we were afraid to walk home through and that way er because men used to wait in Lane .
29 We usually this way and that way .
30 Well you could have gone sort of like round the Rainbow and that way on .
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