Example sentences of "and they do " in BNC.

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1 That 's what we like to do but Pam and them do n't like
2 When we all went to the pub and some of them went up and got non-alcoholic drinks and that , and they all said they could n't go into a pub and do that and they done it , no problem .
3 sort of track are contacting the people who done a very good job on the on the public footpath erm and that was actually going through our land , and they done some steps with erm you know erm wooden erm supports in them , er maybe in in conjunction with , was it ?
4 Probably should have won it on , about seventy-five percent of it , but we were n't as good , we , nowhere what we should have been , but give them credit , they worked very hard and er well there was only one goal in it , they kept doing their job and they done that quite well .
5 They cut oh they cut sellotape , and they does cut string .
6 The two companies said the Ministry of Defence had been supportive of their approach and they did not anticipate any regulatory problems .
7 I remember in the RAF at Blackpool going to the pictures , and they did n't bother with an intermission .
8 And they did delegate me , of course , handing me a guitar to get rid of .
9 He wanted to marry her , but she laughed at him too , and said she had already made her choices and they did not include giving up her God and replacing him with a somewhat vulgar and certainly brutal man .
10 The night before the wedding the girls hardly slept at all and they did not chatter to one another as they usually did until they found sleep .
11 He and his wife tried and tried to have another one and they did , but it took them all those years .
12 And they did n't get up and take a bow afterwards .
13 Maybe they had n't got any clothes , and they could n't afford one of the nice rooms , and they did n't belong anywhere , but they had each other and they had Baby to visit each day .
14 Under rubble in bomb-sites and they did n't get any nice flat stone with writing either .
15 They had no need to speak and they did not do so .
16 Crosby in 1981 was a classic example : the voters lost a man they had known for thirty years and they did n't know who to vote for instead .
17 The local Garda had been sent to Ashford Castle to protect Reagan , and they did n't get on with the CIA at all .
18 People were nevertheless quick to identify an interested argument and they did not feel disagreements less keenly because they understated them .
19 And they did .
20 Of course , people did agree with each other , and they did disagree , and they argued , persuaded , insinuated .
21 Chelsea are not a particularly good team and they did not have to play well to win this often tedious match .
22 Their play lacked bite and they did not manage a shot at goal until Clough 's attempt in the 62nd minute .
23 The petty officers said men of 72 nationalities were serving on the Red Crimea as ‘ one big happy family ’ and they did not want to be split up .
24 She does n't seem to have had intimate friends , except Miss Glover , and they did n't need to correspond , since they shared their house .
25 And so it was , and they did live happily ever after .
26 ‘ There 's no harm done and they did n't get far .
27 The living room ceiling was hung with bunting , the kitchen smelt of roast turkey , the house was full of people who all knew each other intimately , the videos had been ordered and the sideboard was laden with drink and in fact everyone behaved just like it was a real family Christmas , except that Boy had sex with two other men in the bathroom , and they did n't even bother to lock the door because they knew that no one else there would mind , knew that they did n't have to hide what they were doing from the rest of the party .
28 The expansion of American medical research , much of the finest quality , attracted European doctors who aspired to a scientific career , and they did well to spend a year or two in an American laboratory , or even to emigrate there altogether .
29 They called the shots while we were still tiny , and they did n't spring into crushed velvet bell-bottoms in 1966 , just because it was a happening thing to do .
30 As in Babylonia , this calendar was adapted to the sun by intercalating a thirteenth month from time to time , but this was left to local officials in the different cities to decide , and they did this individually and arbitrarily .
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