Example sentences of "and it should " in BNC.

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1 Being able to land safely in fields should be one of the ultimate aims in glider pilot training and it should not be left to the pilot to decide for himself when he is competent to fly across country .
2 A philosophical account gives the necessary and sufficient conditions ( at least in outline form ) for the application of a concept , and it should , therefore , apply in principle to anything that is a case of that concept .
3 And it should be noted that the actual breaking point for Raskolnikov in the novel is the illness which induces his apocalyptic science-fiction nightmare of germs and Possessed -type madness and destruction , bringing him literally to Sonya 's feet and both of them to ‘ the dawn of a new future , of a full resurrection into a new life ’ which will be the subject of another story .
4 The only toroidal wound coil is the excitation coil and it should be made up using 0.5mm diameter enamelled wire .
5 This is a major issue , since not only must the control information be interpreted correctly , but the printer must know when the control characters have finished and it should start interpreting the following characters as text again .
6 In its defence , Smurfit would say that it is an international company and it should pay as much intention to its US hinterland as it does to London .
7 ‘ Cross breeds do produce some excellent pork , but it 's not wild boar and it should n't be sold as such . ’
8 ‘ The idea is that anglers should be far more aware of the resource they are using and it should be the job of the IFM to teach them more about the fish , ’ said IFM official Robin Templeton .
9 It could not afford to be seen as a drain on the taxpayer and it should be relevant to the times .
10 Such enthusiasm may have had as much to do with the excited nationalism of wartime , as any substantial appreciation of these films ' merits , and it should not be supposed that British filmmakers had universally gone from being dull and unimaginative to become masters of the cinematic art .
11 I prefer it coated in very coarsely grated black pepper and it should always be sliced extremely thinly .
12 And it should give managers an incentive to invest — both in themselves and in their company 's strategy — for the long term .
13 It is simply the case that the party should be there while it intends to govern Northern Ireland and it should be exerting itself to offer the voters a real alternative to sectarian politics .
14 It is an aspect of self-determination : the point is conceded in the fact that suicide is no longer an offence , and it should therefore follow that consent to injury should negative any offence .
15 Shrubs which have been badly attacked can look ragged , but the damage is usually only cosmetic , and it should not unduly weaken the plant .
16 Cadbury 's financial support continued to his death as did his two stipulations : the movement should avoid politics if possible ( it was not possible ) and it should try to create Free Church parishes to end ‘ overlapping ’ between denominations ( it did so but to little effect ) .
17 Much of Thatcherism is common sense and it should not go out of fashion .
18 ‘ We should not forget this and it should serve as a lesson , ’ he said in a speech to mark the 20th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic ties .
19 The Earth was created by the assistance of the sun , and it should be left as it was …
20 The pilot light is usually situated at the front of the boiler , next to the burners , and it should be visible through an inspection hole .
21 It is very difficult to see how Germany is less centralised and it should be clear that the ‘ subsidiarity ’ principle is merely an allocation of competence , as in the hierarchy of a company , rather than a distribution of power .
22 Replace the transfer gears with 110 gears and it should return to normal .
23 The 40-year gap between the First and Second Empires had in no way diminished the ability of these people to perform their functions properly and with dignity , and it should not be thought that the Court of Napoleon III had a sort of second-hand quality about it .
24 But when I asked him how much of the land of the state of Israel might potentially have two claimants — an Arab and a Jew holding respectively a British mandate and an Israeli deed to the same property — he said he figure was accurate — and it should be remembered that over half of Israel in 1948 consisted of the Negev desert — then it suggested that Arabs owned a far greater proportion of that part of Palestine which became Israel than has previously been imagined .
25 It is strongly recommended that after this operation the unit should be allowed to reform up to strength and be retrained as a parachute unit , and it should not be required to operate again before May .
26 Should the battery run down , the notation bat will be displayed and it should not be used until serviced .
27 The taking of broad-spectrum antibiotics , pregnancy , and the oral contraceptive are the commonest causes of difficulty ; however the first two are not , or should not be , permanent , and it should be possible to eliminate thrush even if the pill is continued , by giving a prolonged course of treatment .
28 The table has to be solid enough not to give way when the patient rests on it , and it should be big enough to hold all the things the patient needs when he is out of bed .
29 Or do they say that , because the police behaved badly , the confession is , as a result , unreliable or unfair and it should not therefore be entered in evidence ?
30 It must be emphasized that the goal of transferability applies equally to the practical and the theoretical , to skills and to knowledge , to arts and to science , and it should be the overriding aim of school education .
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