Example sentences of "and of the " in BNC.

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1 Description is a heading which includes both a description of the work itself and of the critic 's response to it .
2 Georgina Masson 's special gift was her ability to disentangle and evoke in Rome three different cities , of Classical Antiquity , of the Renaissance , and of the Baroque .
3 It was a medium of the grand form and of the surface , whether polychrome or monochrome ; it was not a positive medium of the middle forms , like oak , or even usually of the assertive instrument , as bronze can be .
4 Glasser thunders on : ‘ Both Lilian and Mary invested too much emotional capital in their opposition to father , whose influence naturally remained dominant , try as they might to escape ; and this imbalance distorted their view of relationships and of the world . ’
5 He has grown up as one of ‘ the orphans of the plague ’ who roam the streets of the city in the aftermath of the plague and of the fire that followed it .
6 It will be the work both of one hand and of the other .
7 The Marquis of Queensberry may be judged , in this context , to have made an involuntary and uncharacteristic joke in accusing Wilde of ‘ posing as a somdomite ’ : a phrase that smells of the multiple self , and of the uncertainty of interpretation — and indeed spelling ( Ackroyd , as it happens , interprets him as something other than a sodomite ) .
8 I am thinking of the death of Primo Levi , an autobiographer , and by certain standards an amateur ; of the threatened death of the novelist Salman Rushdie ; and of the discovery of the fascist sympathies formerly exhibited by the literary theorist Paul de Man .
9 And I am also thinking of the identification of Rahila Khan — a novelist supposedly Asian and female — as an Anglican vicar ; and of the attempt to thwart a biography by the Englishman Ian Hamilton of the American J. D. Salinger , whose novels tell the story of his life , but who does not want anyone else to do so , preferring to keep his facts to himself .
10 Zuckerman 's proposal of marriage to Maria in The Counterlife is an indication of its importance , and of the importance of escape both for the tradition and for the unsatisfiable Roth .
11 Wilde 's The Importance of Being Earnest is a must and of the large Shavian canon I suggest you read St Joan and The Doctor 's Dilemma or Major Barbara to get a clear idea of his style and the kind of demands he makes of actors verbally .
12 It was strongly influenced by the development and multiplication of the religious congregational system developed by Ignatius of Loyala , founder of the Jesuits and of the famous spiritual exercises or retreat system .
13 There can be little doubt , however , that a sense of God 's presence and of the supernatural in general were long-standing characteristics of Irish popular religion , along with magical and semi-magical local religious practices .
14 Thus were re-echoed the papal teachings of the indissolubility of both Christian and non-Christian marriage and of the state 's obligation to reinforce that indissolubility ( Leo XIII 1903 : 68 , 77 , 78 — Arcanum Divinae 1880 ; Pius XI 1930 : 4 , 16 ; Code of Canon Law 1917 : 1013 ) .
15 Again , this view is related to Pius XI 's , as expressed in Divini Illius Magistri : ‘ The family holds directly from the Creator the mission and hence the rights to educate the offspring , a right inalienable because inseparably joined to the strict obligation , a right anterior to any right whatever of civil society and of the State … ’ ( 1929 : 14 ) .
16 From the point of view of the issue of law , there can be no doubt as to the influence both of the constitution of 1937 in the period following its enactment and of the influence of Roman catholic teaching on legislation prior to that date .
17 Grey is the colour of pavements — and of the walls of the centres for homeless people which I sometimes visited during the day .
18 It 's the colour of windows and blankets , of the winter sky , and of the wind , the rain and the sea .
19 The colour of railway trains , of a catering assistant 's uniform , and of the unshapely denims that Jenny used to wear out of office hours , in defiance of anything that suited her .
20 Yet movement is the very essence of being human and of the human condition which policing sets out to nullify .
21 ‘ Terror of the wilderness , of storm and flood , of savages and of the intense extremes of cold and heat . ’
22 Enter into the world , therefore , the newest member of this exalted family : Leonard ‘ the priest ’ , whose early years were shadowed — albeit not too solemnly — with a high sense of Tradition , and of the divine plan and ordering , even divine mission .
23 Thus completed , he signed the form ‘ accepting and submitting himself to the statutes , rules , regulations and ordinances of McGill University and of the Faculty or Faculties in which I am registered , and to any amendments thereto which may be made while I am a student of the university and I promise to observe the same . ’
24 Here they gave poetry readings in the 800-seat auditorium ; a measure of the man he was becoming and of the distinguished company he kept .
25 Moreover , Canada itself was changing — in the great building programmes in and around Montreal ( not least at McGill itself , one of whose schemes resulted in the superb McLennan Library ) and , more ominously , in the growth of separatism that was about to rock , in Pierre Trudeau 's words , ‘ the smug complacency ’ of English-Canada , the Canada of the WASPS ( ‘ White , Anglo-Saxon and Protestant ’ ) and of the Roman Catholic Church , a party to the ‘ Quiet Revolution ’ .
26 His tone is one of sadness , of a great day now passed , of his uncles ' and cousins ' deep sense of loss — which he shared — of the death of his father ( again ) , and of the disenchantment with their present , pedestrian lives in the light of the splendid triumphs of the past .
27 The following Saturday she agreed , at least , to go with him but then all she did was pick holes : ‘ Carpet 's frayed , ’ she said , after inspecting an apparently immaculate place in Muswell Hill ; ‘ Too far from the shops , ’ of a modern luxury development on the prestigious fringes of Hampstead Heath ; and of the one he 'd had real hopes for , a newly-converted maisonette over towards Crouch End — ‘ original features all been taken out .
28 Mental development , on the constructivist view , consists in the elaboration of this knowledge ; so that if there is one central difference between the mental processes of the baby , the child , and of the adult it is in terms of how self-world dualism is manifest in ( and to ) the subject .
29 It is an act of faith of most brain scientists , including , as must be obvious by now , this one , that an understanding of the brain will lead to an understanding of behaviour and of the processes that control and underpin behaviour , some of which are conscious and some unconscious , but which taken together correspond to the folk-psychological term ‘ mind ’ .
30 Alongside this , there has been growing awareness of the plasticity of the nervous system and of the extent to which the ‘ hard-wiring ’ of the wetware of the brain is itself modulated by the brain 's own experience .
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