Example sentences of "and [v-ing] rather " in BNC.

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1 He is putting more structure into his clothes and using rather more natural fibres than man-made miracle fabrics .
2 She would go on living in their small house , he supposed , and cooking rather well , and hiding small amounts of money touchingly in drawers and atlases .
3 Although by and large novices to the art of sevens , the Namibians — the worthy winners of the World Cup Sevens qualifying tournament in Catania , Sicily — provided a sample of the Southern African perception of the shortened version of the game : hard running , support and tackling rather than silky skill and stealth .
4 If you 're administering , you might as well administer something that is new and challenging rather than doing something I had been doing all my life .
5 They speak of opting out in the primary , secondary and further education sectors ; as for social services , they speak of monitoring and enabling rather than providing .
6 But it is also a more general process describing the interactive skills of policemen and women : the knowledge of when and in what situations it is appropriate to show sympathy , tolerance , and understanding rather than aggression and force .
7 Like Jackson , he enjoyed a comfortable life style , staying in quality hotels and dressing rather ostentatiously .
8 I should be very reluctant to go back to anything like the old system , which gave a perverse incentive for landlords to provide board and lodging rather than other accommodation .
9 Immediately beyond , a short lane leads up to a long terrace of cottages built to house the workers of the Millthrop woollen mill nearby across the river , and looking rather forlorn and out of place since their source of employment was destroyed by fire many years ago .
10 She stared at him in some amazement , and looking rather confused , João backed out and left her with her Imitation .
11 Pain is the main indication for treatment , and the disease should be regarded as chronic and relapsing rather than as an acute phenomenon treatable by a single medical or surgical intervention .
12 Heavy drinking , spitting , and swearing rather than collective violence marked off the ‘ rough ’ from the rest — the self-controlled ‘ respectable ’ elements .
13 ‘ What 's this , Sep ? ’ said Tom Tedder , coming in from his last class , and acting rather as if a load was now off his mind , or as if he was trying to conceal one .
14 Thus , inter-war English studies was devoted to professional scholarship , research , and publishing rather than a programme of cultural intervention .
15 And he gave the impression , by bowing his head and turning rather gravely towards his interlocutor , that he was ready to treat every communication with the utmost seriousness , and would be reluctant to miss a syllable .
16 The problem is how the professional bodies themselves can maintain ethical discipline over members , with regard to the prospect of shareholders seeking high profitability and paying rather less concern to the interests of the company 's clients .
17 The second is that staff who transfer from hospitals to the community change their attitudes toward their charges , taking on new enabling and nurturing rather than rule-enforcing and limit-setting care roles .
18 that such an arts education fosters those long established cultural traditions and normative assumptions about gender which tend to be inhibitive rather than enriching of personal development and sensibility , and discouraging rather than encouraging of purposeful action in the world .
19 Mr Freedman said that the aim was to create a platform to propel the company into the future and promote services such as planning and consulting rather than just accounting , to help clients boost their profits .
20 This book covers the legal aspects of buying a business by acquiring its assets and undertaking rather than by acquiring the shares of the company that operates the target business .
21 For a start , it was more expensive ; but it was also a sign of conspicuous consumption , its enrichment slightly too ostentatious for a country with a preference for strong mass and modelling rather than upon lavish detail .
22 Their most obvious effect had been a massive increase in speculation as more capitalists tried to make money by wheeling and dealing rather than by productive investment : hence the huge foreign exchange dealings and the booms in share prices , gold , land , real estate and commodities .
23 Leisure activities still take place here although they are more likely to be water skiing , wind surfing and sailing rather than bathing .
24 When we looked out the sea-gulls did seem to be weaving in and out and making rather strange but happy sounds — almost as if they were a bit tipsy — and as it turned out , such was the case .
25 A. vole premaxilla showing breakage of incisors ( ×15 ) ; B. sutural separation between premaxilla and maxilla ( ×15 ) ; C. occlusal cracking of vole molars ( ×15 ) ; D. enlargement of cracking , which appears to start in the dentine and then causes separation of the inner enamel surface ( ×75 ) ; E. slight chipping of enamel edge ( ×225 ) ; F. longitudinal splitting of incisor enamel ( ×15 ) ; G. slight modification of enamel surface of the incisor enamel ( same specimen as F. ) ( ×75 ) ; H. enlargement of enamel modification , showing it to be caused by splitting and flaking rather than etching ( ×375 ) ; I. femur head showing slight cracking ( ×26 ) ; J. enlargement of cracking ( ×75 ) ; K. splitting and cracking of tibia shaft ( ×38 ) ; L. enlargement of tibia ( ×75 ) ; M. splitting and depression of immature long bone shaft ( 15 ) ; N. enlargement of same ( ×60 ) .
26 And smirking rather a lot .
27 Falconer was quiet and secretive but seemed in very good humour , laughing and talking rather garrulously .
28 In the course of the book Nash seems to adopt a rather detached stance on the above matters , describing rather than criticising , and mentioning rather than challenging the given situation .
29 Coppicing and laying rather than flailing provided a better stock-proof boundary which would also benefit wildlife .
30 The emphasis of the research is on Kaldor 's writing and thinking rather than on his life in the biographical sense , although there are distinct phases in his intellectual life that can be easily identified .
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