Example sentences of "and [v-ing] her " in BNC.

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1 The record company folk who have been talking Gulf and eating her sarnies leave and Susanna draws up a chair , sits on it cross-legged and starts to play with her hair , twisting it and knitting it .
2 A noted authority on Medieval German , Olive was a most dedicated college tutor to generations of modern linguists , fostering and encouraging her pupils , and a fierce defender of modern languages in college and in the university .
3 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
4 Hopefully as well as affectionately , he did so ; undressing her as she lay on the too-large hotel bed and stroking her shoulders and upper arms .
5 ‘ Hush , honey , hush , I hate it too , ’ he murmured , enfolding her in his arms and stroking her sopping hair .
6 Jake was kissing her now and stroking her hair .
7 She is the housewife , bearing , raising and socialising children , and succouring her husband 's and children 's emotional and physical needs ( Oakley , 1974 ) .
8 But himself said this would happen , because I was always washin' her bloody hair and keepin' her face scab-free , unlicing her an' the rest , instead of gettin' meself out to work .
9 The gestures of such pastoral characters as Lise and Colas in La Fille Mal Gardée have already been noted ( -see page 100 ) as well as that of Lise churning and helping her Mother to spin .
10 During World War I Alice divided her time between entertaining in her home in Grosvenor Street and helping her friend , Lady Sarah Wilson , run a hospital for wounded soldiers in Boulogne .
11 ‘ However , there 's really no need for you to do so , since this is where we get out , ’ he added , opening his door and helping her stiff , angry figure out on to the pavement .
12 He remembered little things — childhood images trapped in memory : his father 's hand laid momentarily on his mother 's as they sat at table ; laughter from their bedroom at night ; his mother straightening his father 's tie and drawing her finger in a delicate gesture along his cheek .
13 The dull ache became a throb , so that every step became agony , taking the colour from her cheeks and drawing her lips into a tight line .
14 In the middle of this pother of boots , brothers , and boisterous behaviour , Leonora Hussey came in from the hall , greeting her daughter and chiding her husband for being so late back .
15 Suddenly , he had turned to look at her — simultaneously surprising her and proving her theory .
16 She propped her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her hand gave her full attention to Stella .
17 She chose a rock facing the window , a low rock , and sat down on it , circling her bent knees with her arms and resting her chin on her knees .
18 Nobody expected Liz to uproot herself , like a woman , like a wife , and follow her husband to America : she was expected to stay where she was , pursuing her own career and pursuing her own inner life , whatever that might be .
19 Pascoe put out a hand to touch the place and she shied away , so he drew her in , pulling against her resistance and binding her arms with his .
20 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
21 Now penurious ( ‘ I live , ’ she said , ‘ from mouth to hand ’ ) , and accepting her situation with great dignity and courage , she was striving to fulfil her ambition of taking the degree denied to her on the grounds of race years earlier at the University of Cracow .
22 Hunting one day , Olybrius , the grand governor of Antioch , saw her and seeing her innocence and her loveliness he was jealous and immediately wanted to destroy both .
23 You should , as far as possible , make sure that the widow is having a nourishing , if light , diet and proper exercise , and seeing her doctor if she has any special problems .
24 Then , glancing up and seeing her face , unexpectedly got up , as quick and full of energy as he had just been lethargic ( but it was the energy of anger ) and came out with her into the hall , where Philip , frail as a leaf , was standing by the great dark-grey water tank .
25 Success is making the receptionist smile today and seeing her smile again tomorrow .
26 After cooking her watery stew one night and seeing her younger daughter into bed she went to the public library and looked up ‘ Death ’ in a concordance .
27 Rachel even thought of going down to Phoebe 's bed room and using her phone to reassure the outside world , and protect themselves from its invasion .
28 Every individual has to find her way of tapping and using her creative resources , whether her daily environment is a home or an office .
29 She explored around the puckered surround of her anus , and using her middle finger , firmly stabbed the first joint into the tightly guarded entrance .
30 Nicholson said : ‘ Everyone 's been marvellous — local kids have been playing with her and bringing her presents .
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