Example sentences of "and [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 At times my sleepy little daughter was brought down from the nursery and stood on a stool while John draped pieces of material on her and showed me how he wanted the costume move and flow , and so help to illustrate what he wanted to express and convey to an audience .
2 So its fizzy white wine from Spain ( which costs 69 cents a bottle to buy and ship to Moscow ) wears a smart Anis label .
3 Within a mere three weeks the Smolensk Party authorities also required all uezd executive committees to collate , check , and comment to them on the minutes of every single peasant meeting on mutual aid .
4 Fourth September — news at Brigade H.Q that the Brigade would be returning to England on the 6th September to reorganise and prepare to be sent to the Far East and continue the war against the Japanese .
5 The result of the survey was ‘ a remarkably even split between managers who were prepared to help and lend to the proprietors and those who were not prepared to do so ’ .
6 In such circumstances ( known as ‘ the last resort ’ ) the Bank of England will always step in and lend to the discount houses , or purchase bills of exchange from them before the bills have reached maturity .
7 Instead she took refuge in the library where she could read and research to her heart 's content .
8 It is possible that parents do convey to their children that they themselves do not judge and relate to people on the basis of their skin colour , but they should also tell the child that many people in the society do .
9 Occasionally may cling and want to be carried and may show their irritation in some other ways .
10 Robert Sanders noted exactly this problem when the party had to formulate and answer to Lloyd George 's land campaign of 1913 : " A certain number of our party go openly for wage boards .
11 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
12 With the train stopping about a train 's length beyond the bridge , he knew that he would have to walk back and explain to Gerry and have a look .
13 He hated bribery because it was the hardest of all expenses to try and explain to Kolchinsky .
14 He 'd go back and explain to Dadda .
15 So if you can try and explain to Sarah what you 're doing , she 'll know how to do it next time .
16 " I must go and explain to Mrs Woodie . "
17 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
18 The answer is that to improve fitness , the body needs to respond and adapt to a gradual and continual increase in training load .
19 The result of this ‘ softly softly ’ approach was that sentencers were effectively allowed to shape policy through their own sentencing practice , leaving official policymakers to respond and adapt to an agenda over which they had but limited control .
20 ‘ In order to change and adapt to shifts in the Italian business and political scene , a radical rethink of what the AIE has stood for until now is going to be necessary , ’ he said .
21 Because they have been treated more as adults here , the contrast between this and ordinary school makes it sometimes difficult for them to return and adapt to being treated as children again , so it is obviously preferable for them to continue on at the unit .
22 Erm basically as a new market opportunities come he 's got ta develop er and adapt to those any new opportunities that do arise .
23 Geography was important because it would help the evolutionist to explain how populations were able to migrate and adapt to new locations .
24 Given the substantial changes in the economic , political , and business environment of large firms over the past two decades , a critical factor affecting the relative competitive position of British firms must be the capability of firms to adjust and adapt to major changes in the environments and thereby improve their competitive performance .
25 The organisation is regarded as a ‘ green field ’ , able and willing both to accept and adapt to a completely changed information systems environment .
26 Now it is time to writhe and gyrate to the sounds on the turntable and get lost with the D.J .
27 1 The Programmer shall prepare and deliver to the Publisher on or before 13 October 1989 a draft version of the Program suitable for Beta Testing .
28 3 The Programmer shall prepare and deliver to the Publisher the final version of the Program in accordance with the conditions laid down in Part 1 of this Schedule .
29 That Nottinghamshire went on working reflects not simply the self-interest of its miners but more importantly the culture that their predecessors ( many of them their ancestors ) helped to create and transmit to the present .
30 She let him stumble and fall to his knees .
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