Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 BRAVE Princess Diana put two weeks of torment behind her yesterday … and beamed this smile of relief .
2 He looked across at me and whispered one word : ‘ Rum ’ .
3 Krone et at found increased mortality in those patients with one or more of the following : failure to raise systolic BP above 110 mmHg , inability to complete the exercise schedule and paired ventricular complexes .
4 They took a prominent part in the repulse of the Austrian attack in this sector in June 1918 , and countered this attack by raids on Austrian positions , in which they took several hundred prisoners .
5 The English church owed much to Gaul , and shared many of its features .
6 Subsequently we became lifelong friends , sailed many miles together and shared many adventures .
7 Graham began climbing with the Edinburgh JMCS and shared first ascents of significant Scottish routes like Parallel B Gully , Lochnager ( 1958 ) , Smith 's gully on Creag Meaghaidh ( 1959 ) and Vanishing Gully on Ben Nevis ( 1961 ) .
8 That is to say , Libyans whose families had settled in the cities some generations before were perhaps exempt from this process ; but the majority of Libyans made their history in the same way , and shared this picture of the past .
9 They were working at about the same time as Turner and Constable and shared those artists ’ concerns in relation to painting directly from nature , which Dahl described as Naturvei — nature 's Way .
10 Having escorted Felicity Suvarov around St Mark 's cathedral , Julia had gone back to the Danieli hotel and shared some lunch with her .
11 He has expanded police powers , limited the formation of new parties , marginalised the old opposition and criminalised some types of political dissent .
12 It 's enough to make you drive all the way to south-west France and strew some beetroot on the lanes .
13 Douglas , disappointed , had of course been prepared for this also , and wasted little time in cursing .
14 He was waiting for her outside and wasted little time in virtually hustling her outside to where his car was waiting for them .
15 This exile might have been permanent had Swegen not died in February 1014. Æthelred was invited back , and wasted little time in expelling Cnut and his army from their Lincolnshire base .
16 The victim was confronted by a group of youths and stabbed four times as he walked home at Bletchley in Milton Keynes .
17 A callous gunman who shot a German tourist dead and then shot and stabbed other members of the family has been jailed for life .
18 James Boyce , the Rutherglen man who murdered a German tourist in Stranraer , then shot and stabbed other members of the man 's family , has been jailed for life .
19 He was punched and kicked to the ground and stabbed three times in the back .
20 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
21 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
22 She bought a toilet seat to fit inside the big one and planned two visits each day to the toilet after meals or when Susan indicated that she wanted to pass a motion .
23 For the industry as a whole , however , 1990 had been a bad year , with the Gulf war scuppering much of the expected sales growth , and planned new capacity raising the spectre of price wars and poor returns for manufacturers .
24 Commenting on its storm-damaged figures ( in page five ) Northern Telecom Ltd said first quarter order input fell 4.0% year-over-year , to $1,840m although orders in hand rose 18% to $3,530m ; it said that profit performance did not meet its expectations as a result of lower margins and an accelerated rate of investment in research and development and planned international market expenditures which were not offset by anticipated sales growth .
25 They are the first to be advised of impending reorganizations , of imminent appointments , of new marketing initiatives and planned strategic changes in direction .
26 Alter taking a history and examining Julie , the doctors made a diagnosis of appendicitis , ( an acutely inflamed appendix ) and planned surgical removal ( an appendicectomy ) .
27 Thus encouraged , he published a small portfolio of his Cambodian pictures , and planned further photographic expeditions .
28 He built fortifications , aqueducts , bridges , theatres and baths and planned whole cities .
29 But yesterday as they gave the clenched fist salute of the Spanish republican army and planned another ceremony next year , they smiled a smile of inner satisfaction at having taken part in a fight which they had no doubts was well worth fighting .
30 Several times he tore his hands and barked his shins , and once he missed his footing and came crashing several yards down the slope before he got a desperate grip with fingers and toes and knees , and clung sweating till he recovered his breath .
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