Example sentences of "and [noun pl] just " in BNC.

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1 I find Blu-Tack invaluable for holding things in place when hands and fingers just get in the way .
2 Your thoughts and opinions just do n't matter to me . ’
3 The aircraft , worth millions of pounds , was on a routine training mission when it came down six miles from its base at RAF Upper Heyford.Eyewitnesses have described seeing the plane trailing smoke and flames just before it crashed .
4 Curl the toes back and raise both arms towards the toes , lifting the head and shoulders just a few inches off the floor .
5 A. It would be best to feed your proposed trickle filter from a properly drilled tank ; syphons and valves just do n't work .
6 I do n't feel whole , and labels just make it so much more difficult for me to understand myself .
7 Arms and legs just fall off — ’
8 Soon my working day was over , but the night had only just begun , the streets and piazzas just beginning to hum with life .
9 we , we do , but there 's no harm , in view of our knowledge and experiences just to put that phraseology in a little bit bolder .
10 Our Mondays and Wednesdays just would not be the same !
11 It cuts , screws and nails just like wood .
12 I , the armchair observer , lament the cessation of the old skills and crafts just as I deplore the desecration of the open fields by more and more bypasses , pylons , wires , bungalows , concrete , traffic and litter .
13 Even those few are now being bled dry by charges and commissions just when they thought that they had entered the land of milk and honey .
14 Start off with small squats , bending your knees and hips just a little .
15 Zeng was deeply affected by being exposed to a wider range of photographic influences and styles during these years , but it took an exhibition of Cartier-Bresson 's work in Peking in 1987 to finally convince him that photographs could actually carry meaning and profundities just as a painting or a piece of music can .
16 But housing experts and governments just have not given enough thought to the type of building materials that developing countries need .
17 Females have two X chromosomes and males just one ( Chapter 9 ) and this imbalance in chromosome number is developmentally unacceptable .
18 I want you to get the room ready , with a supply of masks and gloves , and gowns just inside the door .
19 If you find yourself thinking , ‘ You ca n't change thoughts and beliefs just like that ’ , then it might be wise to examine your attitudes and beliefs about change !
20 Fash 's packed schedule — he often holds business meetings well into the small hours and averages just five hours sleep a night — has not affected the common touch which makes him such a popular figure at Wimbledon .
21 So I developed five acres on my own account and things just went on from there .
22 's and Africans just out of detention attended the sessions together .
23 Animism was likewise low and primitive because it was said to imply that souls inhabit animals and trees just as they inhabit men .
24 Alfred Molina 's Shannon comes over as an assemblage of mannerisms rather than a man whose behaviour arises from dissipation and anguish ; Frances Barber is too young , too wiry and too busy for the over-ripe Maxine ; Robin Bailey , though he believably slips in and out of awareness , is too sturdy for the ancient poet , and he sounds and gestures just like colonel Hall on Sergeant Bilko .
25 Add the olive oil and capers just before serving and toss again .
26 The methods of quality control they use are Japanese , and can , they find , be drilled into Britons and Americans just as well as into Japanese .
27 Paul Ashmead got another try for Gloucester and the cherry and whites just kept piling forward .
28 The desert pavement is a thin crust of smooth pebbles which , if disturbed , allows the dust and sands just below the surface to be blown by the winds over large distances .
29 Trespassers and vandals just do not expect to be brought to book by passengers on a train .
30 Trespassers and vandals just do not expect to be brought to book by passengers on a train .
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