Example sentences of "and [adj] work " in BNC.

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1 Its riveting concerns for the work place — and specific work places at that — prevents the connecting up of work experiences , issues and social structure ; it prevents a true political practice .
2 I detest Picasso who , instead of handing ‘ Guernica ’ over to the town whose name it usurped , left his battered and decrepit work to the Reina Sofía hospital after its reanimation in the Prado clinic .
3 The exceptionally high quality of his work and his strong interest in conservation and historic work practices led to his nomination for the Fellowship .
4 They feared that the community-based social and political work directed towards a more democratic and egalitarian society than currently existed would be undone by an influx of ‘ bourgeois ’ values and money .
5 Speaking on implementing the guidelines laid down by the fifth plenum , government spokesperson Yuan Mu said on Nov. 22 : " The main problem behind the many mistakes which have occurred in China in the past lies within the party and it is therefore necessary first to focus attention on the party itself in solving the problem " ( of " dilution and weakening of party leadership , neglect of ideological and political work , and neglect of the building of party style " ) .
6 On Dec. 29 , 1989 , an article in the Guangming Daily criticized Zhao Ziyang 's theory of remoulding ideological and political work in the party as supporting bourgeois liberalization , " a trend against the Communist Party leadership and socialism " .
7 It was Lear 's example that provided the impetus for the Goulds ' first publication , and it was Lear who later transformed Gould 's static and unimaginative style into the confident and innovative work that characterised his second and all subsequent publications .
8 Recent and retrospective work
9 It is demanding and monotonous work .
10 He claims that industrial society is characterized by boring and monotonous work , lack of freedom for the individual to control his or her own life and a compulsion to acquire material possessions , directed by the mistaken belief that they bring happiness and fulfilment .
11 There 's a superb comic performance from Robert Austin as the hilariously touchy yet deeply sympathetic manservant Maitland , and outstanding work , too , from the 15-year-old Kellie Bright as Laurel , an alarmingly forward yet painfully vulnerable child who announces that her mother ‘ is so overloaded with sex that it sparkles ’ .
12 They are employed mainly in clerical and administrative work .
13 Much of the office and administrative work both for the conference and for this report was carried out by Falls Community Council for which we are particularly grateful .
14 By 1985 many departments were reportedly using such systems to conduct annual reviews of departmental programmes and administrative work , and feeding results directly into public expenditure and parliamentary estimates exercises ( Cabinet Office ( MPO ) /Treasury ( FMU ) , 1985a , p. 1 ) .
15 Anyone visiting Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions will have noticed the unusual and striking work of Mick Rooney .
16 Fostering for disabled children can be a satisfactory alternative , but studies in Britain and the USA demonstrate the need for very careful and supportive work if it is to succeed .
17 He became immediately aware of the developing cultural life taking place on the island and , along with his wife , Irene , taught , lectured and exhibited work alongside their Puerto Rican colleagues .
18 And I genuinely would say , that I actually think the amount of international and European work going on within the organisation as a whole , is now greater than it was before .
19 The concentration of new sectors , the apparently hopeless dereliction of inner cities , the mind-numbing and badly-paid work in the branch plants which are a more important component in the economies of the regions of ‘ the north ’ .
20 It acts as a focus for academic research into ‘ race ’ , racism and ethnic relations , through a research programme that integrates multi-disciplinary theoretical and policy-relevant work .
21 There was some indication of a contradiction between provision for job enrichment and the potential of new technology to produce de-skilled and downgraded work .
22 His major and unpublished work , the ‘ Sapientiale ’ ( Biblioteca Nazionale , Florence MS Conv .
23 There was , however , sufficient overlap between his illustrative and painted work for one to fertilise the other ; many of the drawings for Time Was Away afterwards provided the basis for paintings .
24 In a speech to " non-party personages " in Beijing on Dec. 2 the CCP general secretary Jiang Zemin said that a document on agriculture approved by the plenum covered the following points : ( i ) the achievements of agriculture and rural work in the 1980s and the main tasks for the 1990s ; ( ii ) stabilizing and improving the party 's basic policies for rural work and continuing to deepen rural reforms ; ( iii ) raising the overall agricultural production capability ; ( iv ) carrying on socialist ideological education and strengthening building of spiritual civilization and the legal system in the rural areas ; and ( v ) reinforcing the party 's leadership on rural work .
25 The specialists in the Institute of Education are hoping to devise means of feeding ideas and units related to skills training and pre-vocational work into other school subjects .
26 The duties of every professor shall include original work by the professor himself and the general supervision of research and advanced work in his subject and department , and assistance of students in their studies by advice or informal instruction .
27 And private work is the only kind there is ten months of the year .
28 The painstaking and unbiased work of the Royal Commission , the failure of the 1957 alternative , the well-directed flow of abolitionist propaganda , and the reliance on factual evidence as well as moral arguments , in particular the recognition that mistakes could , and in all probability had occurred , led to the progressive conversion of Parliamentary opinion .
29 I have given thanks for the brave and selfless work done by many British men and women who face dangerous circumstances every day .
30 In Books 1–3 , the emphasis is on listening comprehension and oral work , while in Books 4–6 there is increased emphasis on reading and writing skills in line with children 's developing abilities .
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