Example sentences of "and [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The real question , wrote Harsnet , is where the short run ends and the long run begins , since in the long run long and short are also without meaning .
2 It was shimmering , incandescent , as the colours deepened and the long blue-black tail unfurled and stiffened until it gained the strength to fly .
3 Nathan had not been prepared for the bus trip into and out of the town and the long walk through the snow to a campsite either .
4 The sun shone on the rippling river and the long willow leaves just touched its bubbling golden surface .
5 Camb looked compassionately at the quivering febrile mouth and the long unfiled nails that played with those rings .
6 The evening was warm and clear , the light and the long soft shadows more flattering to this market town High Street than the noonday sun .
7 She understood his grief and his sense of loss and loneliness — she had been there herself , after the King 's death — and she knew about the feelings of despair and the long , long time the scars would take to heal , but she also knew about the importance of carrying on .
8 All at once the engine uttered a roar and the long silver pistons began to labour .
9 And the long roll call begins .
10 In the same way we can also define short periods of currency life ; it is from the composition of hoards that we know , for example , that neither of the two principal coinages of late twelfth- and thirteenth-century England , the Short Cross coinage of 1180–1247 and the Long Cross coinage of 1247–79 , survived in circulation after their production had stopped .
11 ‘ The short answer to your question is ‘ yes ’ , and the long answer is that you are subject to the calibre of the Minister . ’
12 In almost every aspect of our national life , from the educational system to the institution of marriage , the ethic of instant gratification and the rejection of perseverance and the long haul are clearly evident .
13 It was Saturday , and the long street was still , empty as only Glasgow can be during the summer , a stage set patrolled by a solitary policeman .
14 He smiled and the long scar that ran from his forehead to his chin became a livid white .
15 Far below he could see the lacework shadow of the Forth bridge on the glittering estuary and the long dark lines of the cruisers Edinburgh , Southampton , and further out , the destroyer Mohawk , under way for Rosyth after convoy duty .
16 She had been a somewhat delicate woman for some years and the long and Perilous sea voyage to Australia had taken its toll .
17 The European powers flatly — and brutally — rejected the right of national self-determination for their colonies both in the immediate and the long term .
18 When our turn came , I could see the rifles and guns lying on the table and the long queue of lorries , leaving the land of oranges far behind and spreading out over the winding roads of Lebanon .
19 As Syme has remarked , ‘ Rome 's peculiar greatness was due not to one man 's genius or to one age , but to many men and the long process of time . ’
20 Although the limb is three-dimensional I will treat it as if it were two-dimensional and only consider position with respect to two axes , the antero-posterior axis which runs across the limb from digit 2 to digit 4 , and the long , or proximo-distal axis , which runs from the shoulder to the tip of the digits .
21 The two young Tuaregs wore the voluminous light-blue ganduras or smocks , baggy green trousers , indigo head-wraps and the long swords of their tribe .
22 Any proposals to tackle both the assumptions behind these recent policies and the long entrenched age discrimination within social security will have an uphill task .
23 The coordinating of the various world pick-ups did try the patience of all concerned and the long waits at 5am on a chilly Christmas morning were no laughing matter .
24 The reasons were the lack of available places and the long distances between home and school .
25 But the high moorlands , the deep valleys and the long sea inlets , or rias , were obstacles .
26 As the Scotland fans dispersed in shame , heading for the bars of Soho and the long train journey home , they created one of the country 's most enduring jokes .
27 The extensive slate quarries , and the long rows of cottages occupied by those who work there , are a strongly-marked feature in the day 's walk ; while many of the walls are entirely composed of slates fixed into the ground and placed upright : in the churchyard many of the tombstones were slate slabs , with painted inscriptions .
28 In particular , Edwardian reformers believed that labour conditions for adolescents were influential on their social behaviour in both the short and the long run , or , put another way , and taking into account the wider implications of ‘ personality ’ , that labour conditions influenced the form of their social being .
29 The problem is made more difficult by the expense of education and the long pay-off time involved .
30 levels of service , quality of product , meeting budgets , cost improvements , productivity , motivating and rewarding staff , research and development , and the long term viability of the undertaking .
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