Example sentences of "and [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 The latter is a is a direct result of setting a poll tax which was clearly and blatantly an under provision to provide decent services in this city .
2 Here implicitly is a defence of limited monarchy , and thereby an implicit critique of the rigid anti-monarchism to be revealed in Jacobinism .
3 Members will have noted a familiar name among the authors above , which engenders confidence in the presumption of correct and thorough irrigation techniques and thereby an accurately sectioned subject .
4 This is a startling remark , but it is delivered as a matter of course , and Ross ( 1777–1856 ) , a naval officer and eventually an admiral himself , is unlikely to have been mistaken about something generally known in the service at the time .
5 For several decades , Panama was juridically a protectorate of the United States , and effectively an American colony .
6 A well-known columnist on a liberal newspaper — short and fat and pompous , the inspector knew from seeing him interviewed on television , and presumably an ‘ influential friend ’ of Christine Mills — was demanding details of the latest developments in the Mills case .
7 A well-known publisher , Anthony Blond , writes ‘ The design and appearance of a general book matters but not too much : after all , printing is only a form of communication and rarely an end in itself .
8 He was described as a tall , bony man with much black hair , a dark complexion , a deep jaw , prominent cheekbones , dilated nostrils , and altogether an open and manly countenance .
9 This was March — it was cold , windy , and altogether an unpleasant time of the year to have to sit in a car for long periods observing people 's activities , and how they lived their lives .
10 He stopped short as the two women stared up at him , and suddenly an expression of relief washed the tension from his strongly chiselled features .
11 The generation of a woman comes about when the male formative power fails to shape fully the recalcitrant female ‘ matter ’ , and so an incomplete being results , lacking in full mental , volitional and physical powers .
12 Further examination revealed a hard swelling at the base of the penis and the question of a foreign body was raised with Mr P. He strongly denied inserting anything into his urethra and so an X-ray was taken .
13 Collecting bias seems to be greater for molars than for incisors , not surprising when it is considered that incisors are easier to locate in the pellets than are molars , and so an excess of incisors may be combined with a deficit of molars where there is collecting bias .
14 Two is set up to be a second clean channel , while three offers a ‘ crunch rhythm ’ facility and so an overdrive rotary joins the Lo and Hi EQ here .
15 Assuming non-degeneracy , at each iteration the cost decreases by a positive amount and so an optimal BFS is eventually reached .
16 Mars , Cadbury and Rowntree between them controlled about 80 per cent of the market , and so an addition of 2 or 3 per cent would be unlikely to affect the competitive position ( refer to Table 2.4 ) .
17 This is usually a result of family and marriage ties and so an employer might expect young unattached female staff to be more willing to relocate than married women .
18 This would not only reduce its political significance but it would allow for yearly increases ( though broadcasters have been quick to point out that the general rate of inflation is below the industry 's rate and so an increase would still leave a shortfall which can only be made up by savings ) .
19 From ( 3.2 ) , for any two cost levels c , and c2 : In other words , a proportionate cost reduction of unc will lead to the same proportionate reduction in price , and so an x per cent cost reduction leads to an x per cent price reduction and therefore to the social benefits of that x per cent price reduction ( which are area FGRK ) .
20 Indeed , knowledge was more limited and collections generally smaller when the schemes were devised , and so an analytic approach to classification would have been less appropriate than it is today .
21 Although that sort of thing is nominally catered for by most electrical equipment , using spike suppression and smoothing circuitry , I reckoned that this particular computer was not up to the job of coping with the dirty mains , and so an uninterruptible power source was thought to be the only feasible answer .
22 And so an uneasy , smiling peace was patched up — enough to last to the weekend , and with all the year to mend in .
23 Most of these mutations will be harmful , and perhaps an occasional one will be favourable , but some fraction f are ‘ neutral ’ .
24 But the Bill provides room for manoeuvring — and perhaps an indefinite delay — by allowing the government to choose an ‘ appropriate time to proceed based on the state 's financial abilities ’ .
25 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
26 Higher birth-rates among ethnic-minority groups , urban house-building projects , the running down of the new-towns programme and perhaps an improvement in environmental conditions in the cities may all have contributed to this .
27 Etty provided the latest style in stockings , and perhaps an odd item of cheap jewellery .
28 Different kinds of fish , seaweeds , sand , rocks on the sea bed , shells , and perhaps an octopus .
29 A romantic landscape , yet one which in its heyday meant appalling conditions of work for those employed there and perhaps an even worse life when the mines were killed by cheaper metal from elsewhere .
30 For this project you will need a compass , pencil , ruler , plain paper , and perhaps an eraser .
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