Example sentences of "and [pron] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 It 'appens to a lot of us and everyone ai n't as lucky as I was . ’
2 Oh I er , I du n no there was , course there was m there was me , me dad , me brother and meself er oh I suppose it 's hard to say .
3 And them erm when everybody 's been caught by the person who 's at the person sat saying things like hot bananas hot milk and then when they say hot chocolate the you 've got to run back .
4 Cement them together and then leave them to dry and them er left them to dry until the till they they get dried you see .
5 Britomart 's superiority appears later when she recognises the right order of things and restores masculine rule , freeing Artegall and the country : ‘ And changing all that forme of commone weale , /The liberty of women did repeale , /Which they had long vsurpt ; and them restoring/To mens subiection , did true Iustice deale ’ ( V , VII , 42 ) .
6 I could n't think what it was and me erm
7 I was surprised and I couldn could n't believe what happened , I was saying gutted .
8 And she laughed and she said here here here she went like this and I shou shouted as well .
9 He just , I went down to visit Will and I w would have got there like four minutes past ten or something and I n n knocked on his window and about
10 And I un well as I understand it from , from , from the friends in Moscow their , their traditional industries are very archaic , they may have erm , the expertise in , in the armament section , but the other things , what they need is some of our engineers and we 've got a lot of engineers who were working overseas and at the moment are n't .
11 Well look through that and I wa what I want now is if you , can try and work your way through it .
12 And I wa commented on it to you , it was when I borrowed the maternity robe from Penny and she
13 And I wa as it was I was in the bread queue .
14 If you 're suggesting , and I c I would n't argue with you cos I really would n't know .
15 I looked at it and I er panicked .
16 Well one one of our key key er marketing er tools is the markets we 're actually aiming for and I er agree with you we are going to diversify and it is an on ongoing campaign but er our s the er targeting 's based on the socioeconomic group er of the population and the differential er of purchasers is going to be fairly minimal because those will be very similar people throughout the entire country .
17 We we we lived but we had a comfortable home , and I er I thought it was a lovely home actually .
18 Erm and basically er the , the reason for doing it that way is that erm , I do n't want to set up a situation where erm I 'm some sort of expert and I er this is not a matching process , okay ?
19 But it is complicated and I er mean really for the average investor , unless you 're a non-taxpayer , because the in er the income from the gilts is gross , it may be worth er it may be worth a non-taxpayer holding gilts , and er getting a gross yield of maybe eight and a quarter , nine percent .
20 And their odd jobs , they 'd probably got men in their own factory to do it , but no they sent them to Dick and I er used to oblige .
21 And I er I had to er see a solicitor or something .
22 Well now anyhow I there 's only me here and I er was ninety three last birthday .
23 And I er I went then when the na it was a nationalized this station was closed down and I went to Dolgarrog power station .
24 Er the next bed to me and he he were trying to talk to me and I er he and he wanted one of my buttons of my tunic .
25 No er er her dad used to work at at Rugby , and I er saw him ooh nineteen forty seven I think .
26 The road gets flooded when there 's heavy rain and I er I clean it out .
27 Therefore as well as it being a problem of development within the flood plain it is also a problem of development beyond the flood plain and as well as development and I er think this in no way intending to spread the blame , but is a , is a er an observation which er I think is quite clear and that is that farming practices erm can have both beneficial and adverse effects on water regimes
28 and that er , you know , has lead to a lot of misery in some cases , er , also I mean there 's question of viability of our own scheme and I er , think er you know , er there are a number of questions which I as a lay-man would like to be , you know , I think the seminar is probably the right to do that .
29 On a much more parochial level and I er I have an interest and I am one of these old age pensions that Mr is determined to look after .
30 And I er addressing your attention ma'am to , particularly to , the erm M A F F laboratory , which has been established at Sand Hutton , which is a maj , going to be a very major employer , located immediately adjacent to , well within this particular sector .
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