Example sentences of "and [art] government " in BNC.

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1 Detentions under section 29 continue , and the government acknowledged on March 18 that 16 people were then held under that provision .
2 Though the Cosgrave government then in power insisted on the appointment , the local population and authorities boycotted the operation of the library , and the government had to concede by moving the librarian elsewhere .
3 This famous line 's deliberate run-down , closure proposals ( three in total ) , the unbelievable fight by the public , culminating in 35,000 objectors during the five-year fight , was an object lesson to BR and the government .
4 But the union congress also passed a motion condemning the tactics of the airlines and the government , particularly the use of air force planes and foreign pilots to break the dispute .
5 Seamus Mallon , an SDLP MP , said if the report was true it was a direct challenge from within the police to the authority of the Chief Constable and the Government .
6 A former adviser to Mr Mugabe , Edgar Tekere , has formed a new opposition party , the Zimbabwe Unity Movement , and the government , armed with the emergency powers , has suppressed a number of strikes .
7 The eventual settlement will form a target for other workers and the Government will be anxious that the traditionally independent company will keep the award nearer the inflation rate , currently 7.3 per cent .
8 It was constrained by a clause in financial arrangements agreed two years ago between all five research councils and the Government whereby in exchange for more flexibility in approving most research grants , they relinquished independence in sponsoring some key research .
9 They nearly captured Hargeisa , and the government forces reacted by rounding up all influential Issaqs in the town and executing them .
10 There is no way the non-established denominations can be expected to make a comparable contribution , and the Government must therefore take a larger role in providing some mechanism for preserving some of the notable places of worship which , as well as being delightful buildings , are an important testimony to our religious and social history .
11 The dispute has been referred to the Uttar Pradesh high court and the government recently secured a tentative promise from Hindu militants that the mosque would not be harmed pending a ruling .
12 The Statistics Users ' Council is to hold a seminar of its member organisations , including the Confederation of British Industry ; the Trades Union Congress ; the Royal Economics Society ; the Institute of Statisticians ; the Royal Statistical Society , which is already considering an idea for a watchdog organisation ; and the government Statistical Service .
13 The vice-chancellors committee wants to consult polytechnic directors and the Government about ‘ how a full cost system might work ’ , recognising that it will need help to ensure that any changes , if made , increase opportunities and avoid hardship .
14 Where there is possibly a meeting of minds between him and the government is in the desire not to release him into a political vacuum .
15 And all against the background of what appears to be a historic breakthrough in black South African politics as the cracks in the apartheid edifice widen and the government begins to lose its grip on the affairs of state .
16 And the government ?
17 Studies on the options are still going on , and the Government 's decision to increase BR 's profit targets had been seen as part of the ‘ fattening-up ’ process .
18 Studies on the options are still going on , and the Government 's decision to increase BR 's profit targets had been seen as part of the ‘ fattening-up ’ process .
19 Hence it should be no surprise that ordinary policemen and women come to feel that the police management and the government do not care that the risks associated with routine policing in a divided society are borne primarily by them : that the ordinary policeman and woman can be sacrificed for the sake of wider goals , the purpose of which they often have difficulty in comprehending .
20 These weaknesses were exploited by the Bolsheviks in 1917 when Vikzhel , the old railway trade union , threatened to cut off the capital and the government from the rest of Russia unless Lenin listened to its political demands .
21 There were widespread murmurs in Tory ranks , and the government 's standing fell to only 27 per cent in the polls of March 1981 .
22 Perhaps in this operation the CPC can give a lead to the party and the Government .
23 The government hoped that strict control of the money supply and the government 's stated unwillingness to rescue financially troubled firms would help to inculcate a more responsible outlook among wage bargainers .
24 Monetarism was a particularly controversial policy and a number of colleagues argued for a reversal of strategy , as unemployment increased remorselessly and the government 's popularity in opinion polls and by-elections slumped .
25 Surveys of attitudes to so-called Thatcherite ideas ( for example , a government sticking to its principles , however unpopular ; not consulting with the major economic interests ; and the government 's inability to do much about unemployment ) found that , on average , Thatcherite supporters ( 40 per cent ) were outnumbered by opponents ( 47 per cent ) .
26 All airfields in the country ( with the exception of small private aerodromes ) would be nationalized , and the government would continue with the development of new aircraft as recommended by the Brabazon Committee .
27 With the Edwardian figure of Macmillan as leader of the party and the government , a man who had begun his career by advocating a dirigiste stance against the liberal economic tendencies of the Baldwin-Chamberlain era , the Conservatives looked to an interventionist strategy to stave off political and economic reversals .
28 Individuals in the party and the government came to use the situation in whatever way they could to optimize their own position , ranging from exercising the increased power which district and regional officials now had over the citizenry , to carrying out routine tasks perfunctorily while acquiring a significant income from black market activities .
29 In retrospect , it appears that Senghor 's strategy was first to reconfirm that his party and its policies continued to have support from the Senegalese people , by giving them real alternatives , and then to enable a young and clearly competent successor to take over the leadership of both the party and the government .
30 By 1973 this measure was considered inadequate and the government took total control of the mining companies .
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