Example sentences of "and [adj] have " in BNC.

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1 It is worth noting that Oct-1 and Oct-2 have extensive sequence homology within this region , and both are multiply spliced within their coding regions ( 18 , 20 , 21 , 29 , 46 ) .
2 For example , both English and Tamil have pronouns , but in Tamil there is much greater differentiation in the system , particularly in the third person singular : The respectful form is used in speaking of someone older than you or above you in status .
3 For instance , the 1980 US Census cost $990 million ( Cruickshank , 1981 ) , and mid-term censuses in the UK for both 1976 and 1986 have been cancelled on cost grounds .
4 In colorectal carcinomas and in adenomatous polyps increased concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and type-2 have been demonstrated concurrent with higher urokinase type plasminogen activator concentrations and inactivation of tissue type plasminogen activator .
5 The Dual System and Professional have NMEA input connection for instrument systems and to the GPS Black Box .
6 As the conversion required a full strip down , both Basler and Professional have taken the opportunity to ‘ zero time ’ the airframe , to replace and radically improve systems , change and update all of the cockpit instrumentation .
7 All apartments are simply but adequately furnished and each have their own entrance .
8 There are lots of different types of knots and each have their own uses .
9 Today , Upper-Intermediate and Advanced have also established themselves as modern classroom classics .
10 The blurred boundaries of public and private have created many new ethical dilemmas for managers and also increased the possibilities for corruption and misuse of public funds which can only be addressed by clear working principles and codes of procedure .
11 They say that one person has died and eight have been seriously injured .
12 Nevertheless , a landlord will be entitled to limit the authority of an agent to make representations and clauses 11.1 and 11.2 have been drafted with this in mind .
13 The Government and Labour have both urged a tougher approach to juvenile crime , but Dr Carey asked : ‘ Should we be tougher on children ?
14 Training modules in the use of ESA-QUEST and CCL have recently been produced at Sheffield .
15 Although statistics show that many benefits paid to the old , poor and unemployed have maintained their real value ( ie kept pace with inflation ) under the Conservative government during the 1980s , these calculations are based on the rate of inflation for the average person .
16 Numbers 420 and 427 have not been used for quite some time and will be sold by the MOD as surplus to requirements , perhaps to be purchased by some preserved railway ?
17 Considerable enthusiasm has been shown by the Association 's Areas , and some have initiated fund-raising to develop further Eagle Lodges .
18 In such cases melatonin might be some sort of ‘ darkness indicator ’ and some have even called it an ‘ internal time-cue ’ .
19 Several possibilities come into this category and some have been mentioned earlier .
20 Unfortunately , many youngsters disappear with their guns , and some have joined the militants .
21 Indians believe that nothing much happens to bandits any more since so many of them have links with politicians , and some have even become ministers .
22 The alleged inspiration of the song from Pete Hamill 's story was the subject of a lawsuit in the 1970s and some have suggested that Mr Hamill 's story is fiction , not fact .
23 All of these metals were already in widespread use in their own right or in alloys over two thousand years ago and some have much earlier origins .
24 ‘ Some of our members are owed nothing , some have been overpaid and some have not yet been paid for the 1990 harvest , ’ said Mr Corbett .
25 Stallions , colts , and geldings tend to be rather mean to cows and other animals ; they enjoy chasing them relentlessly , and some have a special obsession for chewing the ears of cattle .
26 Even the best constructed franchise package can not guarantee success and some have proved to be an expensive pathway to financial disaster .
27 More than 12,000 people have been treated in America and elsewhere and some have complained of glare , especially from car headlights when driving at night .
28 All the simply furnished rooms have private facilities and some have balconies .
29 Rooms are basically furnished , all have private facilities and some have balconies .
30 All the attractively furnished twin rooms have private bathroom , a balcony , and some have a lake view .
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