Example sentences of "and [verb] there " in BNC.

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1 One could never say ‘ I have reached the limit of my religious development ; it is time to return to the secular plane and develop there correspondingly . ’
2 Because of its remoteness behind the Pyrenean mountain barrier and because of Moslem dominance , architectural ideas were slower to reach Spain and develop there .
3 He found it and clung there for a while , then pushed clear and knelt among the waves , head lowered .
4 She , and could , found she could not fly and laid there looking at the sky .
5 The pointes The use of pointes as a delicate finishing touch is not always exploited by today 's choreographers , who often use them to display their dancers ' ability to ‘ get up and stay there ’ — come what may !
6 I used to go and stay there at Christmastime , after Father died , and there was always a nice present on the juniper tree for me and lots of good things to eat .
7 Aunt Bessie used to go and stay there and take Mother along too .
8 And then we can all go and stay there .
9 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
10 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
11 Sometimes I go into a public-house and sit there with a glass of lemonade in my hand , eavesdropping , hoping to hear some treasonable conversation .
12 Station cafés like the one at Temple Meads — I saw the freckly man with the ginger hair , stared him straight in the eye but he did n't recognize me — you ca n't sleep there at night , Vern said , but you can buy a coffee during the day and sit there nodding off and they think you 're just tired from travelling .
13 Take that stool and go inside to the cloakroom and sit there until you 're called by me to come away from it . ’
14 ‘ I suggest you have another glass of wine and sit there and I 'll sort it out .
15 I go and sit there while she works .
16 He found himself wishing he was at home again , at Polly 's home , and could creep stealthily into the twins ' room and sit there as he sometimes had at night , on the floor among their discarded toys and cuddly animals , with his back to the wall , listening to the sound of their breathing .
17 Rounding it off with a cocktail , we finish our meal and sit there doggedly describing it to the waiter , with the menus there to jog our memory .
18 Cadfael shepherded his charge within , and watched him subside gratefully on to the narrow cot , and sit there mute for a moment , laying his burden down beside him with a kind of caressing gentleness .
19 But when he has gone I buy another whisky , and sit there musing on being a crunched-up spring .
20 I want to try and get one before May before the exam , but there is a superb production on i the summer , it 's on June and July and it 's at an open-air theatre erm in Lincolnshire and what people do is they go and take a picnic and you sort of take your rug and sit there and cos it it 'll be hot in the summer it would be really nice and you watch it outdoors and it 's in this big stately home which is in it 's own grounds and there 's gift shops and restaurants and bars and obviously wo n't go in the bars but you know there 's lo it 's beautiful and like a big stately home you can wander round the gardens for a bit and then go and watch the performance and if it rains then there 's a canopy you can pull the canopy over like at Wimbledon and you know it 's a really nice day .
21 No , I mean actually come to one of the officers and sit there and they do the work , so it does n't bother us at all .
22 You come to see me and sit there and say nowt .
23 Well , I 'd rather just go round there for an hour and sit there .
24 Now you just and sit there watch it now .
25 His presence and influence there made him a figure in world Christendom .
26 Let it grow automatically as new groups of traders and merchants directed their steps there and decided eventually to settle and build there .
27 I got them to give me the number for the cleaners ' mess-room and asked there .
28 What luxury to go and bathe there after a day in the outdoors !
29 Rufus was still lying asleep on the terrace , though at some point he must have awakened , for he was shaded from the sun by Hilbert 's old black umbrella which he had opened and propped there to shelter his head and face .
30 A diver absorbing excessive nitrogen must ascend to a designated depth to reduce the pressure and remain there for a specified time for what is known as a ‘ decompression stop . ’
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