Example sentences of "be even [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Our civilization has at least this to its credit , he wrote , that it has found a way of rounding up this dishonest crap and incarcerating it in morgues , in fortified places with guards and alarm bells and the rest , thus keeping it off the streets , protecting decent citizens , and now , he wrote , there are even moves afoot to repel intruders by making them pay hard cash to enter these fortified places .
2 There are even moves to make commercial litigation more client-friendly , to hold on to the business that 's dribbling away southwards if not to attract more in .
3 There are even reports that this hair is gathered by the more discriminating kinds of birds to build their nests !
4 There are even differences between cultures in the development of task and maintenance behaviours , even though the actual emergence of these roles does appear to be universal .
5 Indeed there are even differences of opinion among environmentalists over how this increasing demand upon the countryside is to be accommodated .
6 In many places it is being used just to overthrow the nomenklatura and there are even cases where new careerists just use Civic Forum to win positions for themselves .
7 While this can only have arisen on the basis of particular cases , it too has now become fossilized ; it is now described in terms of relative order of fixed groups of adjectives , and there are even cases where purely formal requirements concerning serial order actually override the organization appropriate to the semantics of what is intended ( see Chapter 8 for some instances ) .
8 It ca n't be knocked down because of a protection order — and there are even plans to establish a museum of psychiatry on the site .
9 Among the prophets there are even surprises .
10 Should you wish it , you can treat the Sauerhof as a chance to get in trim ; they offer most kinds of sports and have extensive gym , sauna and pool facilities — there are even bicycles for hire so you can get fit and take in the lovely countryside at the same time .
11 Notice that periodic waves that are even functions of time , that is , symmetric about the time origin , can be represented by a constant and just cosine waves , while waves that are odd functions of time , that is , reversed in sign about the time origin , can be represented by just sine waves .
12 There are even times when I enjoy it in a masochistic kind of way — those are the times when you are really running free , bouncing along in a relaxed and easy manner , with the mind and the body in tune .
13 There are even ones in pencil stuck to the leaves of plants .
14 There are even signs , by the end of the nineteenth century , of increased intermarriage between the skilled worker and other strata of the working population , a sure indication of a diminishing sense of social distance .
15 There are even signs that in some cases this was reinforced by reports which reached Europe as an outcome of the voyages of discovery that to a significant degree marked the onset of modern history .
16 There are even stories — apocryphal , perhaps — that her children 's toys are washed after visits from their little friends for fear of contamination by the common horde .
17 For those who do n't want to waste a minute , there are even flights from all over the UK to nearby Gatwick Airport .
18 There are even sections on architectural salvage , ethnic crafts and furnishings , auctions and markets .
19 Not only is this figure certain to rise as spending on ‘ Cohesion ’ increases , but there are even calls , led by Germany , for the proportion paid by the United Kingdom to be increased further .
20 There are even experiments using the condition suppression procedure ( as used in Bouton 's own experiments ) that have succeeded in showing a loss of the CR with a change of context ( e.g. Balaz , Capra , Hartl , and Miller 1982 ; Lovibond , Preston , and Mackintosh 1984 , experiment 1B ) .
21 There have to be rules , laws , for everything ; after all , there are even rules for war .
22 Pillars , walls , ceiling , all have been painted , and there are even paintings hung on the upper walls of the nave above the arches , which are a mixture of round and pointed .
23 There are even bits in the one-page bill which do not need to be brought into British law as a result of the treaty .
24 It has long been accepted that , even in countries such as these , the field of human rights and the administration of justice are matters in which the government has no right to interfere , and there are even mechanisms where a non-national body may pronounce on national decisions , such as the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg .
25 There are even trailers which are so hip to their self-sufficient status they include sequences which are n't actually in the long version .
26 There are even techniques for mirroring the other person 's non-verbal behaviours for the first few minutes of meeting them , and then testing whether rapport has been established by changing your visual behaviours to see whether the other person will reciprocate by mirroring yours .
27 There are even crampons with a single front point , specifically designed for use on pure ice such as frozen waterfalls , but these are too specialised for general use in this country .
28 There are even whispers that such standards should apply to journalists .
29 There are even rumours of near miracles he accomplished , such as the conversion of a foul-mouthed old alcoholic , hurt in the Marcasse pit disaster , who told him in no uncertain terms to clear off , he did n't want rosary-mumblers around him , and then was converted by Vincent 's sanctity .
30 Indeed , there are even rumours that he wants to take over BAe .
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