Example sentences of "be very important " in BNC.

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1 " I do n't think so , not unless you 're very important indeed . "
2 They 're very important , part of her background — of what you might almost call her mythology .
3 Nice to know but they 're very important flick over a page Technology Host pack or Host training .
4 We as doctors say , we 're so bloody wonderful , you know we 're very important .
5 People who think they 're being persecuted always think people are paying them a great deal of attention so they come to believe that they must in a sense be very important people , ’ he said .
6 This was the first time he had ever talked about himself , so she knew it must be very important and felt flattered that he was confiding in her .
7 A horse 's degree of tolerance , or passivity , as opposed to impatience and irritability , will be very important in relation to what we want to do with the horse .
8 It may also be very important to him that the record is transferred to his next school .
9 ‘ The whole of the overseas side is going to be very important , particularly America .
10 That is when music , the voices of children , the kind tones of those who love us , must be very important .
11 One stage will be very important tactically .
12 Given the mixture of 200 or more chemicals that we may encounter everyday , cocktail effects could be very important .
13 All the permissions granted by the GDO are subject to conditions and some are hedged about by preconditions which can be very important .
14 It will be very important for you to study the leaflet mentioned above carefully to discover exactly what your parent 's position will be , and if you are in any doubt , ask for an interview with the Medical Social Worker at the hospital or see the Enquiry Clerk at the local Social Security Office .
15 Practitioners give diet advice — the belief is how can healthy tissues be built from deficient foods — consider fasting , psychology and hydrotherapy , which , if you read on , you 'll see can be very important to runners .
16 The next few months are going to be very important to us . ’
17 Building a good relationship with your boss will be very important .
18 Bad diet is now closely connected with most of the main illnesses associated with old age , and attention to these details may be very important .
19 Dressing hair will be very important . ’
20 Practical advice for parents is outlined but there is a high treatment failure rate : the therapeutic relationship may be very important in gaining full co-operation from the parents and a family approach to treatment is often indicated .
21 This underlines the fact that in nuclear matters , as in the laws of war generally , domestic law may be very important both as a source of the law and as providing some sanctions .
22 They can provide not only the computer , but also help and information should things go wrong — which may be very important .
23 Admittedly , Air Force Generals and Admirals are unlikely to be very important financially , but they are from the point of view of prestige and power and would , I should think , carry a disproportionate amount of clout .
24 Fifty-seven per cent of pupils and 62 per cent of parents thought that qualifications would be very important , and 98 per cent and 96 per cent respectively thought they would be either very or fairly important .
25 Crops appeared where they had not grown before : rubber was carried from Brazil to become the staple of the Malayan economy , and soon to be very important in Indonesia and Ceylon .
26 If it is a final salary scheme , what is the exact definition of ‘ final salary ’ ? this could be very important if the organisation offers phased retirement or the opportunity of a sponsorship in the voluntary sector and , as some employers do , adjusts your remuneration to take account of a shorter working week or less onerous responsibilities .
27 for all artists working with acrylics , the choice and use of brushes can be very important .
28 The picture which emerges from this study is one where assistance between more distant kin is of relatively minor importance to the total picture ( although of course it may be very important in particular cases ) , and that whether it is likely to be significant is rather idiosyncratic and unpredictable .
29 Safeguarding the security blanket can be very important in coping with considerable upheaval .
30 Clearly this could be very important for it is analogous to the development of inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme , such as captopril , that stop the production of another potent pressor peptide , angiotension II .
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