Example sentences of "be use his " in BNC.

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1 Ellis denied he was a ‘ pimp ’ and had no idea the youngster may have been using his premises for her work .
2 The violinist Nigel Kennedy has been using his talents to help rebuild a pub .
3 Police believe Mr McEvoy had been using his blue Ford Sierra car , registered D234 HAJ , on Saturday evening .
4 He identified his electricity bill and the telephone bill ( he hoped his colleagues had not been using his phone too much ) and a typewritten envelope which he took to be an advertisement .
5 He 'll be using his mobile phone again .
6 Smith 's coach , Mike Holmes , explained in last Thursday 's Echo that because he had not competed since mid March , the high jumper would not be using his long run-up until the Belfast meeting .
7 Mr Oag will be using his prize of two return BA return tickets to any European destination and up to £1,000 of accommodation provided by Grant Thornton , with introductions to local contacts , to try to find a distributor for the German market .
8 But if you do find an area where you could save a key person several hours a day , then that is real money saved where he could be using his special expertise in his business to get more business , and then one would have to look more closely at erm the particular application , particular jobs that he 's doing and that could be put on the computer .
9 Dod had got me the job and we were using his van , so everything was okay by me .
10 Although first names were being used his attitude and manner were strictly professional .
11 This became the first in a long line of medieval whodunnits featuring an unusual detective , a 12th-century Benedictine monk named Brother Cadfael : when he is n't tending his herb garden , Cadfael is using his knowledge to solve a seemingly endless series of murders and mysterious disappearances .
12 Letterman thinks that he is failing in love with her but he has the impression that she is using his cosseted and lineamented body in some sinister fashion .
13 He told magistrates he is using his car to search for new shops to relaunch his business career .
14 On most of the album Shaun puts his fingerstyle technique to good use on his Warwick five-string , but this track sounds to me suspiciously like he 's using his ‘ 68 Fender Jazz Bass with both pickups full on .
15 That he 's using his vast profits from drug-smuggling to finance his terrorist activities ? ’
16 Now he 's using his skills as an inspiration to people like Stuart .
17 And , if you think about it , all that the would-be driver has done is to use his mind and his imagination to visualize all those things which could possibly go wrong and cause him to fail .
18 A BOY who has won the first national Kids Who Care award is to use his prize money to buy a guide dog for his brother .
19 The Liverpudlian is to use his street credibility to try to get the anti-vandalism message across to schoolchildren in Wrexham Maelor .
20 A passage from Notes Towards the Definition of Culture , relying on ideas from 1913 , hints how the poet was using his anthropological reading when discussing in an anthropological context the difference between imaginative understanding and lived experience .
21 If it is stretching the imagination to describe any West Indian fast bowler as a gentle giant he is nevertheless mild-mannered and easy-going , and it is significant that while the likes of Croft and Marshall were doing unpleasant things to batsmen 's heads , the damage that Garner inflicted was mostly confined to arms and hands ; obviously any broken bone is bad and obviously he sent down his share of bouncers , but there was never the suggestion that he was using his physical advantages maliciously ; six feet eight inches 12 metres ) tall and weighing seventeen stones ( 108 kilograms ) , the prospect of the carnage he might have caused had he been of an aggressive nature hardly bears thinking about .
22 He was using his ‘ goon 's ’ voice , the one he put on when he wanted to make himself sound like a harmless imbecile .
23 He was using his observation and his understanding rather than learning his role ‘ parrot fashion ’ . )
24 Yanto was using his fingers to gather the fine silky material .
25 It was only because he was using his elbows all the time .
26 Suddenly spotting the rear view of the vehicle , he had leaned out of the window , and was using his R/T to contact his base .
27 Daak was using his chainsword to slice safety straps from their moorings .
28 As Ace manoeuvred down the flank of the shuttle , letting her gauntlets scrape against the weld-seams and pock-marks in order to slow her drift towards the base of the craft , she saw that the Dalek Killer was using his weapon to cut through the metallic material of the surface on which he 'd parked .
29 Jackson was using his chummy tone .
30 So he yawned , asked if Marcus was using his time in any particular way , looked at his watch .
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