Example sentences of "be only [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And that in modernity ( probably Giddens is clearest in this statement ) social actors can take cognizance of , and reflect rationally on , rules that had previously been only implicit for them .
2 It was a central plank of the Griffiths recommendations , and the evidence referred to earlier in the chapter indicates that success has been only fitful and Scattered .
3 Apart from a glass of lager at dinner she had been drinking only fruit juices , while Rune 's own consumption of lager had been only moderate , not enough to have much effect on a man of such highly tuned physique , she comforted herself .
4 There have been only limited studies which directly address the effect of cholesteryl esters on the stability of biologic membranes .
5 As mentioned before , Mains seemed pleased with the final choice and there have been only muted complaints from about the country — although it would be hard to be too critical 24 hours after a test was won 59–6 .
6 The Fair Labor Standards Act ( 1938 ) established a national minimum wage and maximum hours of work , where before there had been only individual state laws .
7 Wandsworth MIND insisted last week the ban had been only temporary , although director Frank Dillon was unable to say how long it was for .
8 Sometimes these conditions have been only temporary , as can be seen from the history of many agricultural industries .
9 In all the paintings the deviations from traditional perspective , which in landscape painting had hitherto been only slight , are carried to new lengths .
10 They took a small boutique on the Left Bank , where hitherto there had been only antique shops , correctly recognizing that the little street , Rue des Saints Pères , was full of ‘ Laura Ashley spirit ’ .
11 Surely that would have been only common courtesy ?
12 Kenya 's success in increasing the proportion of the income retained at home has , however , been only modest .
13 In the case of an article written by five authors , for example , the availability of one extra slot may work to the advantage of a colleague whose goodwill is valued but whose involvement with the project had been only marginal ; such circumstances may help create a dip in the number of articles with five authors ( figs 2 and 4 ) which further accentuates the peak at six authors .
14 Maybe the powers that be have been only interested in cleaning up opponents .
15 just to erm reiterate the comments for Bradford To point out that er in the deposit U D P , we 've been only able to allocate er approximately ten percent of our new allocations in the existing urban area .
16 There had been only piecemeal policies of denationalization in 1979–83 , and indeed the Conservatives had been reluctant to replace state monopolies with privately-owned ones .
17 ‘ I am only curious to find out why kissing you ignites such a conflagration inside us both … ’
18 I am only bored .
19 ‘ I am only sorry that my requests for the Public Accounts Committee to investigate royal travel costs as well as the cost of the royal palaces was not agreed to . ’
20 I had four good , rewarding years with the company , and I am only sorry that we were unable to reach an agreement . ’
21 ‘ I am only sorry you ever were put to it , and glad out of all measure that you came out of it without worse harm .
22 I know that members and non-members alike have found them useful , and I am only sorry I missed the October one .
23 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman and I agree that there should be a discount for single people — I am only sorry that the Labour party continues to insist that we should return to a rating system in which single people would have to pay through the nose , as they did before .
24 I apologise on behalf of Council to the members of the press who are here , and to the Council officers who have to endure this and I am only grateful that there are not members of the public here to witness this total farce .
25 ‘ I do n't want to say too much as people will think I am only concerned because if the new rules come into force it will mean Shelford ca n't play for us next season .
26 I am only interested in getting your name back to the Red Cross as soon as possible so that your mother and father will be saved unnecessary worry .
27 At present I am only interested in the extra amount it costs to take the car out on the road .
28 John will get what certificates he wants if and when he wants to I expect : I am only glad that there are so many more opportunities for adults who want to study later in life .
29 I am only surprised that , suddenly , it 's so many . ’
30 ‘ I am only surprised that you know of it . ’
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