Example sentences of "be that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These conditions are that at no time during the relevant accounting reference period — ;
2 Well , we 're all looking at it at the moment of , of course , but some of our first impressions are that for example on global warming , there 's no commitment to , to a carbon taxation .
3 Latest available estimates are that between 1984 and 1988 the United Kingdom received about one third of all inward direct investment to the EC — higher than any other member state .
4 The merits of these coalitions are that through direct discussions and active support they should raise as many questions as they pose .
5 And the more obvious it is that I 'm the best , the more convinced they are that under the surface , in some subtler way that only a more discriminating critic would appreciate , they are …
6 The chances are that during the first eight or nine years you may appear to be treading water in the process of proving yourself .
7 And the chances are that by the time the market picks up again in 1991 we will be back to the 1983 figure .
8 The benefits for the local inspector are that by their greater number ( compared with HMIs — see Pearce , 1982 ) they can become more familiar with the schools , and by virtue of their advisory role they will have some responsibility for following up any findings of an inspection — whether it be formal or informal .
9 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
10 They themselves might suffer from the climate , but if they managed to survive and interbreed the chances are that in a few generations their offspring would have reverted to wild-type coats once again , as a result of the inevitable mixing that would occur among the stray cat colonies .
11 The chances are that in some organizations there will be real difficulties and dangers such as in nursing , coal mining , and heavy industries or indeed any work situation which has machinery .
12 From mother to child ( perinatal transmission ) — Estimates are that in developed parts of the world such as Europe , around 15% of children born to mothers with HIV will themselves be infected .
13 The chances are that in an adult novel — certainly in Masefield 's sea-stories — this kind of instant personal illumination would have been avoided : the alternative , an allusive type of dialogue , would have shifted the emphasis from what is really authorial statement to an implied point of character .
14 They are that in the State of execution the execution of the Letter does not fall within the province of the judiciary ; and that the State addressed considers that its sovereignty or security would be prejudiced thereby .
15 What is more , because people 's short-term and long-term memories operate rather differently , they may well remember something quite different three days later : and the chances are that in the real marketplace it is the longer memory that matters .
16 The salient differences between these two applications are that in the second case the consultant , though independent of the course team , is known to be supportive and familiar with the background and context of the course under examination ; the quality of the consultant 's judgement is also known to most of the course team .
17 The counter arguments , however , are that in practice health care markets are highly imperfect both on the demand and supply sides .
18 And finally Chairman , budget proposals which we 've referred to in paragraph fourteen and fifteen are that in recognizing there 's a potential estimated shortfall of some seven hundred and fifty thousand , that five hundred thousand pounds be put towards that .
19 Love her or loathe her , odds are that in the bestseller stakes Lady Thatcher will be nudging Catherine Cookson all the way to Christmas .
20 The depressing facts of the matter are that in those sectors still covered by the councils , areas like shops and catering and laundries , security and administration , people are already working punishing shifts for pittances because their employers know the chances of being caught dispensing illegal hourly rates are minimal as are the resultant fines in those few cases successfully brought to prosecution .
21 The 12-strong board of governors meets on Thursday , and although most have diplomatically refused to comment on the row , estimates are that in the absence of any further evidence against Mr Birt in the next few days , he will survive any vote on his future .
22 It 's also a mite expensive , although you should bear in mind that retail prices are deceptive things ; the chances are that after a period of high demand and correspondingly high prices , the cost of the SRV will settle down to around the same as the Clapton Strat .
23 The indications are that throughout his time as chairman Howson put into the factory a good deal of family money ( his wife was wealthy by inheritance ) .
24 Moreover , trust in Hitler was not simply based upon an early end to the war , but on an early victorious conclusion , and all the indications are that before late 1942 and early 1943 — centring around Stalingrad , the North African reverses , and the mounting allied air supremacy — only a minority of Germans ( around a third of the population according to American surveys carried out in 1945 ) were prepared to concede that the war was lost .
25 The implications of these determinants of the balance of power are that before negotiations ( and , indeed , during them ) a salesperson will benefit by assessing the relative strength of his power base .
26 The facts are that within a decade of the Vienna Congress , nationalism was gathering furious pace .
27 A government clearly that is split both politically and is totally incompetent the government 's majority is now down to eighteen and all the predictions are that within a few weeks it will be down to seventeen .
28 It may have been that on his original appearance this condition would not have been satisfied , as it could not have been said that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him , if the alternative of a probation order requiring residence at a hostel specialising in sexual offenders was available .
29 The basis of the Good Friday belief appears to have been that on that day the soil is redeemed from the power of Satan — the old chthonic god of the pre-Christian religion — and for this brief time he has no influence on it at all .
30 In fact one of the things that 's most disturbed me about some of the recent discussions that have taken place in the great debate has been that on the one hand people have talked about educating people for adult life and learning more about the way people earn their living , learning more about industry , more about productive things , and on the other hand they 've been talking about maintaining standards .
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