Example sentences of "be [not/n't] quite " in BNC.

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1 I am not quite sure how to train my dog .
2 ‘ I am afraid I am not quite clear what you are saying .
3 On the other hand there are , in some people 's opinions , sinister overtones of being able to keep tabs on a person 's movements , though how that differs from the present system I am not quite sure .
4 That started a whole new chain of experiences , both sorting out the piece from scratch all over again , and finding out how to cope with such a monumental work technically without ruining my physique ( I am not quite as young as I was ) !
5 I am not quite sure who it was I sat next to because I am such a slow eater that I did not have much time for conversation .
6 ‘ I am not quite sure , ’ the writer said , ‘ why these American officers were in the Catalinas ’ , and he went on to say that if they did play a valuable part in the operation , the Admiralty might care to recognize their services .
7 No details were discussed : ‘ I was n't there more than a couple of minutes , but I did n't feel rushed and I am not quite sure how I was shown the door .
8 What this latter achieves I am not quite sure , but I have yet to hear of a gardener who has experienced any problems with free lime after following this recommendation .
9 He felt himself to be in the presence of a creative genius and experienced " enjoyments of such peculiar piquancy that today I am not quite my old self …
10 He said , ‘ There are some stories which say that I am not quite right in the head and some that I am full of evil powers .
11 ‘ I am not quite sure how I did that .
12 I am not quite sure from the map where Presteigne station was , but it looks as if the PCBCR would not have run into it directly , merely to a junction outside the town .
13 I am not quite so hostile to them as other hon. Members are .
14 I am not quite sure what is meant by a ‘ consolidated description of the route ’ , as mentioned in the letter .
15 I drank my coffee and listened while you talked about the Government 's commitment to looking at the quality of life you should be working towards for our people ( or that we should be working towards for your people — I am not quite sure whether your use of the words ‘ we ’ and ‘ our ’ included me or not ) ; but before I could raise the questions that remained in my mind from the night before — let alone my new uncertainty as to what exactly was meant by the expression ‘ the quality of life ’ — a young man had come in and murmured something to you about ‘ the Governor ’ and ‘ the Bank ’ .
16 ‘ I am not quite the Hochhauser rapist I am made out to be , but I expect a little peck , just here , on the cheek . ’
17 In the middle of page twenty eight , George lists all his different erm qualifications that he says he has and , I am not quite sure what an is an M A Master of Arts , P H D which is a doctor of erm philosophy and and he puts them all together to make up this word , ABMAPHD which does n't exist obviously as a real word .
18 Ever since my schooldays , I 've been aware that , mathematically , I am not quite the full shilling .
19 If it is true that some of them are not quite what they were — and even this grasped-at straw is no more than speculation — we may rest assured that the successor generation brought on tour to breathe down their necks will be as good if not better .
20 You are not quite sure exactly how the spies would communicate with each other — that is , are you to investigate letters , phone calls , radio transmissions , or informal notes ?
21 It is designed for those who are not quite as sophisicated as Choice customers .
22 ‘ We regard it as a very satisfactory half year , bearing in mind that the world 's economies are not quite as clear cut as they were a year ago .
23 ‘ We regard it as a very satisfactory half year , bearing in mind that the world 's economies are not quite as clear cut as they were a year ago .
24 That might seem fair enough considering the profitability of those businesses , but they are not quite so bad that people should be paid for taking them away .
25 Czechoslovakia is better off than the other East European nations and has committed 2 per cent of its investment to environmental projects , but there once again are to be found the same dreary environmental statistics of rivers poisoned , sewage untreated , sulphur dioxide deposited and trees dying , even if the figures are not quite so bad as elsewhere .
26 Given the distinction between primary and secondary qualities , such material things are not quite as they appear ; unlike their extension , their colour ( for example ) is nothing but an ability , stemming from their atomic or corpuscular constitution , to cause certain ideas in our minds .
27 We are not quite back where we began , for human dominion over the earth is different now .
28 Food and Drink : Classic cases of mistaken identity Oz Clarke finds that some new Safeway offerings are not quite what they seem
29 Of course the oceans are not quite unchanging ; but at least they protect their inhabitants from fluctuations in water supply , which on land range from virtually permanent drought , to more than four metres of rain per year .
30 But they are not quite right .
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