Example sentences of "be [adv] one " in BNC.

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1 Although the discontinuity in economic policy from the Heath Cabinet ( 1972 — 4 ) is remarkable , there has been only one dissenting resignation from her Cabinet , partly on grounds of her style as well as policy ( that of Mr Heseltine over Westland in January 1986 ) .
2 There has been only one Nobel prize in embryology .
3 Had there been only one man in the carriage with the woman the explanation would have been obvious .
4 Indeed , in the last two decades there has been only one event of sufficient gravity to create stunned , almost disbelieving debate among past and present Baldersdale folk — Hannah Hauxwell herself .
5 No amount of reflection on first principles will stop a Christian from assuming that the morality demanded of women , which in Islam he judges to be imposed by the physically stronger sex in its own interests , is in his own religion true to the equality of the sexes before God ; not until women become conscious of and vocal about their own interests does he appreciate that the difference from Islam has from the very first been only one of degree .
6 To the best of my knowledge there has been only one sustained examination of mass production undertaken by someone using a psychoanalytic perspective .
7 And people stressing a cost factor as important were relatively likely to say they had had at least some choice between different credit arrangements , whereas people stressing convenience were relatively likely to say there had been only one possibility ( though differences were small ) .
8 One of the most infuriating habits of the scientifically illiterate is to talk of the ‘ ice age ’ as if there had been only one .
9 The computer system at the Budapest Stock Exchange has now been up and running for about two weeks , and according to chief system analyst Andrei Bagi , there has been only one minor teething problem .
10 Kennan met MacArthur for lunch on 1 March ; MacArthur stated that there had previously been only one successful military occupation in history and this had been Julius Caesar 's achievement in the subjugated barbarian provinces .
11 His wife was named Mary and there appears to have been only one surviving child , a daughter .
12 Despite the fact that there have been many reports describing the central effects of neuropeptides on gastric and pancreatic secretion , there has been only one previous report of the effects of a centrally acting peptide on biliary secretion .
13 Apart from our own prospective studies there seems to have been only one other approach to rectal mucosa in gluten sensitivity based on a retrospective analysis of intraepithelial lymphocytes material obtained 25 years previously .
14 There has been only one report that has identified epoxide hydrolase in colonic carcinomas , by western blot analysis .
15 There had been only one obvious course of action — and that had been to raise the necessary sums by selling the family estate .
16 There had been only one moment to cause her any undue alarm .
17 Clark revealed that there has been only one official bid for Keane since the end of the season — a £3.5 million verbal offer from Rovers which Blackburn 's chairman Robert Corr subsequently confirmed in writing to Forest chairman Fred Reacher .
18 Opposition MPs claimed that there had been only one small bookmaker in favour and that everyone else had either objected or been neutral .
19 The Stirling-American traffic has not been all one way !
20 There is no such thing as Jew and Greek , slave and free , male and female : for you are all one person in Christ Jesus .
21 Such ‘ network ’ surveys are less vulnerable to ‘ norm and deviation ’ criticism , since they usually eliminate major social variables like class and ethnicity ( that is , group members studied are all one class and race ) , so that the group itself becomes the norm .
22 For one thing they are all one family , the offspring of a single pair of adults .
23 I agree also that if the writing of the will and the appending of the signature are all one operation , it does not matter whereabouts on the document or when in the course of the writing the signature is appended .
24 He answered : ‘ Jobs and leisure are all one thing are n't they — if you work you build yourself up for leisure . ’
25 I am only one of the many who owe so much to the man . ’
26 I am sure I am only one of many who will sorely miss this happy-go-lucky golfer .
27 But hitherto that interest had been merely one among many ; his temperament had precluded any drastic specialization , and he worked on an almost random variety of Greek topics , with a discernible bias only towards philosophy .
28 Carpets are perhaps one of the biggest and most important furnishing investments in any home .
29 I think there are perhaps one or two who are very , very aware and are making their own life uncomfortable about it , but I think they 're so much in the minority that it 's the other lot that we should be worrying about .
30 Now I can advise you in the office under the green form system if you are eligible for it because you you 've got no income coming in and your savings are below one thousand six hundred quid .
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