Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The immediate haemodynamic effect of interrupting blood flow to the low resistance placental circulation while the umbilical arteries are pulsating is an abrupt rise in systemic arterial pressure with possible deleterious effects .
2 He has also , inquiries revealed , sold rather more than the 40 or 50 paintings suggested by the Saatchi Collection spokeswoman in mid-week , and the pattern of his sales suggests that what we are seeing is rather more radical than a ‘ refinement ’ of the collection .
3 The long opening sequence , detailing a mismanaged operation of a baby 's delivery , is an extraordinary feat of simulation , yet it also tends to defeat realism because we know what we are seeing is not really happening .
4 I will argue , first , that we are inveterate formers of hypotheses about what we are seeing ; second , that computers can only be programmed to see things if they are provided with suitable models ; and third , that our habit of guessing what we are seeing is astonishingly successful .
5 But we must be sure that what we are seeing is a true feeding roll and not just any surface activity , for bream do frequently appear at the surface when feeding is far from their thoughts .
6 What we are seeing is not churchmen meddling in politics but following through the logic of their theology which Professor T. F. Torrance has dubbed ‘ a radical disjunction between faith and reason . ’
7 What we are seeing is not some kooky ‘ Generation with no name ’ but a crisis , in , well ( sorry to sound so meaningful ) , Western philosophy .
8 commented Jo , ‘ The overall standard of the children we are seeing is gradually improving although we still need to encourage many more children to play tennis ’ .
9 The restructuring that we are seeing is mirrored on the continent .
10 : ’ Speaking in London almost a year after becoming Chairman of British Coal , Mr. Clarke said — What we are seeing is a sort of energy arms race , with attempts to justify it on the grounds of guaranteeing security , diversity and competition — but in reality , guaranteeing nothing but higher electricity prices , a rapid abandonment of other fuel reserves , and reliance on as yet unproven overseas resources . '
11 What we are seeing is the emergence of much more diverse and fluid organisations operating on much smaller local units .
12 When you shine a torch at something you what you are seeing is light being reflected back on to things into your eyes .
13 The definition of Christian marriage we are using is :
14 Never use silver dip or abrasive powders on gold and be sure to check that any commercial cleaner you are using is specifically designed for gold .
15 This is why we now put ‘ Cichlasoma ’ in inverted commas — we have to call these fish something , and the parentheses indicate that the name we are using is not a correct scientific one .
16 In other words their comprehension is at fault , or put another way the text they are using is too difficult for them .
17 At the end of the last chapter , it was apparent that the classification scheme which we are using is fallible .
18 As we saw last month , the row you are knitting is five rows down inside the card reader so , to mark the card , locate the row on which you want to change colour , and then count up five ( not including the row on which you want to change colour ) and mark the card .
19 ‘ What you are suggesting is that this Andropulos is some kind of mastermind — possible world co-ordinator — of drug-smuggling ?
20 What we are suggesting is that such an education does not add up to learning to be independent , to participating in and contributing to one 's own community , either as a child or later as an adult , as the aims of education purport .
21 Therefore , what we are suggesting is not to be considered as the only way of " doing it right " .
22 Turning a scornful look upon the gipsy spokesman , he said , ‘ What you are suggesting is quite preposterous .
23 What I am suggesting is that introspective reports , while often providing helpful qualitative information , can never be reliable enough to use as quantitative data defining the presence or absence of conscious awareness .
24 What I am suggesting is a more subtle movement between the two .
25 I have been talking about experiences which affect both men and women ; what I am suggesting is that the role of the Weaving Mother is to spin a thread , a bond , from the ‘ raw material ’ proffered by the male .
26 What I am suggesting is that both my aunt 's remark and her attitude stemmed from assumptions already prevalent within the family as to what was appropriate behaviour .
27 What I am suggesting is that you should not underrate your ability to succeed in what is now a highly competitive market place .
28 What I am suggesting is that if education is for all then it must meet all needs .
29 All I am suggesting is that the balancing exercise should be capable of being performed .
30 What I am suggesting is that this use of ultra simple " binary logic " , which is tied in with the way we recognize speech sounds , is an inbuilt feature of our psychological make-up which distinguishes us as human beings .
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