Example sentences of "be [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 There are dishonest traders about unfortunately , just as I suppose there are dishonest people in most walks of life but we like to think that in Nottinghamshire they are in a s small minority .
2 Right , okay , what we 're saying here is that the mum and the dad are normal people , they do n't have any problems , but they have got each of them have got abnormal gene and they 're going to have a family , the first baby that they have gets two normal genes , one from each parent , you only get one gene from each parent , fuses so that makes two genes so the baby has two genes , right , the first baby gets two normal genes , right and that baby is normal , which is very clear right , so here we have written this baby is not P K U affected and is normal and does n't actually carry the gene any more , does that make sense to you ?
3 Some of the screws are normal people , though .
4 The vast majority are normal people , fed up with what 's going on up here .
5 Remember these are posh people . ’ ‘
6 The kind of situation which we find in most of West Africa , where side by side there are patrilineal peoples and matrilineal with identical technological achievements , occurs again and again in many other parts of the world .
7 He told them : ‘ You are weak people , you will always be weak people unless you can arm yourselves with the strength and courage required to gaze back into the questioning eyes of children ’ .
8 They are rich people , independent people , egotistical people and often extraordinarily unperceptive people .
9 From April 3–12 , the Tidy Britain Group are inviting people all over the country to take part in the National Spring Clean 1992 .
10 If we are to support children in their reading we need to encourage them into libraries , to assure them that libraries are pleasant places , and that librarians are pleasant people equipped by education , training , attitudes , and commitment to serve them .
11 Then she said in a small , flat voice , ‘ If you 've got problems , then there are professional people who can probably help you .
12 In the cities , where competition is intense , to be seen to be involved with clients at the top of the commercial ( and to a lesser degree social ) tree , publicity will take very different forms , but whether it comprises the full page recruitment advertisement or a high ranking in some statistical table devised by the editors of a legal journal , a bigger than average spread in a legal directory or an article by one of its partners explaining some development unique to the firm , the message will be the same : we are professional people of the highest calibre who run their practice efficiently and with success ; we have earned the respect of our fellow professionals and the esteem of our clients who are themselves of comparable stature to ourselves .
13 ( ii ) Changing house — See p95. ( iii ) Charging clause — If any of the trustees are professional people ( such as a solicitor ) or such a trustee is likely to be appointed in the future , the trust document should contain the usual charging clause .
14 We are civilized people , after all . ’
15 place where they they were like getting er ones that had been smashed up , and doing and they said that the people that are doing it are top people !
16 Now some doctors could conceivably still be frightened off , but we must presume , I think , that doctors are literate people , that they can understand what the law is if it is told to them , and the medical societies and other groups are making available to them the workings of this particular Act .
17 Downing Street has said that the Prime Minister warned President Clinton to make sure the American missile attack on Iraq was ’ limited and proportionate ’ bearing in mind there are British people in jail there .
18 John , in terms of theology , are British people interested in theology at all ?
19 Lee 's role in golf has been entertaining people , treating the game like a stage .
20 They are flash people who have money to throw about , and not all the money they throw about is honest money .
21 Tory , no novelist , provides the criticism a novelist may sometimes make of himself : ‘ Writers are ruined people … .
22 What are unemployed people to do ?
23 To take an obvious example , the drafter may draft the terms referring to the parties as 'seller " and " Buyer " ; if a clause is then incorporated from a different document , referring to " the Customer " , it may give rise to difficult questions of interpretation : prima facie it will be assumed that " the Buyer " and " the Customer " are different people .
24 Asking for trouble to put steps like that where there are old people .
25 Why then are old people abused by those who look after them ?
26 There are old people , spouses and other relatives , caring for each other ; middle aged or ‘ younger ’ elderly people , mostly women , caring for the old ; and a variety of relatives , neighbours and friends , not in the same household , who perform some tending activities .
27 For instance , discharges frequently run from septic tanks in the grounds of country cottages , many of whose occupants are old people who have the sympathies of field men , since most of them are believed to be badly off .
28 Most of his patients are old people with lots of money who just want a little fuss made of them .
29 ‘ When I read reports in newspapers I get terribly upset , because I know what it feels like , that those are real people experiencing those things , ’ says Alexandra .
30 How can he ever think tiny people are real people with real thoughts ?
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